I was born in 1977 in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine.
In 1994 I graduated school I - III d. N31 of Lenin-district, Donetsk. During study at school I passed tutoring under the program of the manager of a lower layer of control. In 1994 I received qualification of the manager of a lower layer of control (Testimony N010282 SSMC of Lenin-district, Donetsk).
In 1996 I entered in Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU), and in 2000 I graduated full course of the educational program of professional direction 6.0708 - "Geology" on a specialty 7.070801 - "Ecological geology" and received qualification "The Bachelor of ecology" (Diploma DV N129734).
In the same 2000 I entered in magistracy of DSTU, specialty "Ecological geology". Specialty "Ecological geology" is young.
During 1997 -1999 I took part in research of a mountain array of a bed and boards of the water channel Seversky Donets - Donbass for leakage's of water spent by Donetsk branch of a Research Center of a Space Information, Remote Exploration of the Earth and Monitoring of an Enclosing Natural Environment (National space agency of Ukraine), and the geophysical, physic-mechanical, gidrogeochemical and geological material was taken up for magistery dissertation. The scientific principal of my work - professor of faculty Fossilty Minerals and Ecological Geology, the doctor of geology-mineral sciences Voevoda Boris Ivanovich, outstanding scientist in an orb of petrophysic's of coal deposits and regional geoecology.
In 1996-1999 I worked as higher laboratory technician in a department of electromagnetic researches of UkrSRMI (Ukrainian State Research and design institute of mountain geology, geomechanics and marksheiderity), I participated in the field and laboratory works (software engineering, preparation of terrain maps, computer handling of outcomes) of a researches by methods of electroinvestigation of gold-fields and oil-fields of Ukraine. Also I took part in the geophysical researches of dams of reservoirs (1999, Donetsk area) and mountain array of foundation of inhabited buildings (1992-1993, Donetsk) for a stability and caves. In these work the highly effective methods of electroinvestigation - AMTE (Acoustic Magnetico-Tellurical Exploration), MT (Method of Transients), VEE (Vertical Electrical Exploration) and SEP (Symmetric Electrical Profiling) - were used.
I am programming many tasks in DELPHI (electrometrical data processing with the complexes of standard applications, handling text in ASCII-code information).
Mail me anikolaev@dn.farlep.net or ecogeologist@yahoo.com