I was born on January 04, 1979 in city Yunokommunarovsk of Donetsk area.
In 1985 was enlisted in secondary school N11 Y
enakievo-town, where till the 1989 was trained.In 1989 has passed in incomplete secondary school N38. Was trained in a class with the profound study of the Ukrainian language and literature. Some years were engaged in a photocircle.
After a termination se
condary school N38 was enlisted in secondary school N15 in 10 classes. Accepted active involvement in sports competitions devoted to day of a Victory (by May 9) and day of town, and also in competitions on ball dances.In 1996 has acted in Donetsk State Politechnikal University of city of Donetsk on a speciality " Geological shooting, searches and investigation of deposits of minerals ". I am now trained on a speciality " Ecological geology " on which was transferred in 1998.
Since February 01, 2000 of an apart from of study in Donetsk State Politechnikal University I work technikal in laboratory of geophysical researches Ukrainian Research and Design Institute for Mining Geology, Rock Mechanics and Surveying.
Actively participate in conferences. I am engaged scientific -research in work. Repeatedly received the incentive diplomas and diplomas of a winner in and ukranian conferences and competitions of the students. An orb of my scientific interests is: tectonics Donetsk-city and it influence to an environment, tectonophysical and geophysical researches of territories of mine fields with the purpose of the prognosis flooding of sites of a terrestrial surface during development deposit of minerals and after it of completion.
Mail me ecogeologist@yahoo.com