Was born in 1979 in famous city Donetsk, where I live in the given moment. As well as all normal children to seven years has gone in an average comprehensive school ¹ 136 (district Budyonovka). During study played sports: swimming (3 years, took part in urban competitions, occupied prize-winning places), volleyball (1,5 years in youthful modular), hand-to-hand fight (2 years), basketball (from 9-th class and to this day, as far as possible). At times took part in Olympiads on chemistry (prize-winning places in district), foreign language.
In 1996 after rating of trials has entered Donetsk State Engineering university on remarkable faculty CIT&A. There and beginnings to be engaged on a speciality of computer Systems of medical and engineering Diagnostics. On the first course all went not too smoothly (by way of study) - played one season in a modular team ÊÂÍ "CIT&A", earned additionally, was a term of organizing committee «Leagues of Donetsk youth» – study was not too successful. But at the end of the second course has hitted in Central Scientifically research Laboratory in DonSMU by M. Gorciy, where under the direction of the professors, doctor of medical sciences Shlopov V.G. My scientific activity began. There I have made some first projects, one of which the database for the registration, searching for to indications, sorting of the maps of pathomorphologic processes with a possibility of a conclusion of the subject reports. Approximately in the same time in tight cooperation with the comrades have made some more projects, but about them there is no desire to tell.
In 2000 having passed the state examinations has received the bachelor's degree with distinction and has entered ìàãèñòðàòóðó. Now I work above dis work as the project on a subject "Expert analisys of reographical curve by method of neuronets".
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