ukreinian russian
I Was born on February 6, 1979 in city Dimitrov of Donetsk area. The father - Shtepa Anatoliy Alexandrovich, the mother - Shtepa Bella Petrovna , both are engineers.
The 1-st of September, 1986 in the age of 7 years I have gone to school in city Ugledar Donetsk area. My last class principal - Yavorskaya Eleonora Evgenievna.I was completed school with a gold medal in 1996.
At once after leaving school has decided(solved) to act in higher educational putting. One of most has seemed to most reliable, known and attractive to me Old and dear engineering high schools of Donetsk DonSTU - Donetsk State Technical University. And as at school I have become to be interested in computer science and computer equipment ( at school there was rather decent the then computer class), quite natural there was also choice of faculty - CITA - Computer Information Technology and Automatics. Choice of a speciality IE - an Industrial Electronics Engineering was based on desire to seize by knowledge, which widely enveloping subjects, interesting for me, - from principles of a construction and operation of devices various the profiles and assigning up to secrets information systems.
With methods of analog noise-resistant decoding I has got acquainted on that course, when my scientific principal has become the candidate engineering science Bronnikov Vadim Nikolaevich . Most interesting in the given theme, on my sight, the unique possibility is To improve noise-resistanse of any discrete data link by algorithmic methods, that is without magnification of a potency of the transmitter, without expensive thickening of physical communication circuits (screening, diminution dampings of a signal ). Especially actual this direction becomes now, when the complexity coding and decoding of algorithms is not by the bounding factor for their research, synthesis and application. High rates of development микропрцессорной of an engineering and growing requirements to quality digital (discrete) connection create a possibility and need of application of complicated and effective analog algorithms of noise-resistant codings.