Personal page
Olga Yamilova
Computer Information Technologies and Automatic Faculty
Computerised Systems of diagnostic. CSD-96
Subject of the magister dissertation: "Research and development of the specialized
computer system of diagnostics of diseases of bodies of breath ".
The scientific chief:d.e.s., professor Skobcov Y.A.
Personal biography
- Date of Birth: Mach 22th,1978
- Place of Birth: Donetsk, Ukraine
- Nationality: Ukrainian
- Education:
- Donetsk School of General Education ¹125
- Donetsk School of Musiks ¹9, "Violin" , 1986-1993y
Donetsk State Technical University
- Bachelor Degree in Computerised Systems of Information Treatment and
Management, June 2000
- Speciality " Computer systems of medical and technical diagnostics