Khokhlov Victor AlekseevichGroup МS-96b Sub-faculty "Metal-cutting machines and tools" E-mail: none. |
Theme of the master dissertation: "Theoretical substantiation of constructive elements of spiral drills with replaceable cutting insertions".
Research director d.t.s. Malyshko I.A. | The Projects | The Links | Hobbies | Search Engines
Was born July, 28, 1978 in city Gorlovka. In 1985 has arrived in incomplete high school №3 of the city Gorlovka. Took part in Olympiad in mathematics. Has finished school in 1993.
In the summer 1993 has arrived in Gorlovka machine-building college on a specialty "Metal-cutting machines and robotized complexes". In college have a great interest to computer technologies. In April, 1998 has ended college with the red diploma.
Since September, 1, 1998 has continued to study on the third course in Donetsk State technical university. Simultaneously with it has passed examinations in the academic difference and has arrived on the second specialty "Business economics". An autumn of 1999 has decided to start to be engaged in scientific activity and at the moment of writing this biography (April, 4, 2001) are issued 8 articles, 3 scientific works, its made 3 reports.
After summer session of 2000 has received the red bachelor's degree on a specialty "Metal-cutting machines and tools", and after winter session of the same year — the red bachelor's degree on a specialty "Business economics". From the beginning of 2001 I am studied in the magistracy.
The brief information on scientific directions and activity of sub-faculty "Metal-cutting machines and tools" can be found on its page in Internet.
After defend master dissertation, an autumn of 2001 shall defend degree work (or the project) on a specialty "Business economics". Simultaneously shall try to hand over entrance examinations in postgraduate study.
My scientific interests: the axial combined tools; the forces arising on cutting edge during drilling; development of new methods of fastening of cutting plates.
I take a great interest to computer technologies and everything, that is interlinked with programs (from creation documents of any complexity, computer graphics to programming practically in any language), and also their application in scientific researches (see. The Projects and illustrations for my page).