I was born on 27 of September 1979 in Donetsk, Donetsk region. In 1996 I have graduated a Secondary school named by Z.A. Kosmodemjanskaya. This very year according to rating tests I have entered Donetsk State Technical University, mechanical faculty, speciality “Manufacturing Engineering”. After having a practice in High Professional College ¹67, Donetsk, I was given a qualification of the turner of the secondary category.
On the 3-th course of studing I took part in the olympiad according to the subject "Machine Elements" and took the first place. On the 4 course after I have passed state exams I was given honours diploma of bachelor. The 5 course of studying is get a Magister degree.
I have some scientific papers published in the proceedings of the faculty. The student journal "Engineer" has published my paper "Determination of the temperature on the top of edge of cutting tool using method of sources". In autumn 2000 I participated in the student conference and presented the abovementioned paper.
The topic of the Magister Work is: "The improvement of machining quality of parts surfaces of rotation bodies". Research superviser is the assistant professor T.G. Ivchenko of the faculty "Manufacturing Engineering".
Hobby: I go in for scientific literature, mathematics, I like pop-music.
My aim: I would like to work according to my speciality, to improve my knowledge and to become a skillful specialist.