

magistrate of chair " Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive " of electrotechnical faculty

Group: EAPU-97à

The magister's theme: "Research of dynamic modes of electric drives of feeding of the electrodes of the electric arc furnace"

The scientific instructor: senior lecturer of the chair of EAPU, c.e.s. Svetlichniy Alexey Vasilievich

e-mail: andrey_kas@ukr.net



Master's work

Electronic library


On light I appeared on November 1, 1979 from Christmas about 9 o'clock in the morning. Happened this ordinary miracle in small picturesque town of Donetsk region - Volnovakha. It was a Thursday. Weather stood rather warm for this season. To speak and to go I began rather early. However by virtue of some circumstances I not so well remember of all these details and first impressions the world, that environment me, therefore all of it I have gathered from the stories of the close relatives.

Per 4 years I have been given on education in a children's garden, where I was till 1986. I entered to the first class of Volnovakha's secondary school ¹3 this year. I was by the way enlisted in 1-A class. But in that time the hearings went that the class chief of a class 1-Á Nadezhda Pavlovna Burova conducts educational work among growing up generation a little bit better and puts better knowledge in heads of the children. And therefore I've been jostled almost by force direct on the First bell by my favourite mamma in 1-Á class. The lists of the pupils have been corrected and I have remained to study in 1-A class.

In the third class I began to attend a chess circle, where I went for 3 years. Best my achievement on this field was 2-nd place among the pupils of the schools of Volnovakha. In 1991 has moved on an apartment, which settled down on the other side of city. That time I thought frequently about necessity to pass in school, which settled down nearby. But because of my patriotism and conservatism I haven't done it.

In 9-th class having passed the examinations successfully I have solved to continue studying at school. Some times I participated in various KVN's. Maximum result there was 3-rd place among the schools of the town and I was the captain of the team. Well, it is necessary to note the fact, that I participated in regional Olympiads regularly on such disciplines as mathematics, physics, geography and history and repeatedly became their prize-winner. In 10-th class has become interested in English and in a consequence has finished a complete cycle of a rate of the English language of the European school of correspondent courses, to what the appropriate certificates are applied. I have finished my school in 1997, not having in the school-leaving certificate any four-marks.

Why among a great variety of high schools I have chosen DonNTU? It is possible easily to answer this question, taking into consideration the following circumstances:

1) DonNTU - one of oldest and respected high schools not only in Donetsk area, but also in Ukraine.

2) The diplomas of DonNTU are admitted in the world.

3) The graduates of this university have less problems with employment, than young people finished other high schools.

4) The students DonNTU have an opportunity to study on military chair and after ended university to try on officer's shoulder-straps.

5) Being stydied on the basic specialty it is possible to study someone else in parallel.

All above-mentioned factors have played the main role at a choice of high school. Among set of faculties I have chosen electrotechnical, because the currents and voltages are in all spheres of a national economy so I shall not stay without work. And the speciality " Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive" was selected by me after I has found out, that after ending this speciality I shall receive the diploma electromechanics, instead of the electrician, as on other specialities of faculty.

I has ended a driving school and has received the rights on driving of vehicles of the categories "À" and "Â" in 1-st year.

I have written 2 scientific works in the co-authorship and on 4-th year has scored 2-nd command place in Ukrainian Olympiad on electromechanics, which passed in city of Kremenchug. By a vacation under the university permits went in Kiev, Lvov, Carpathians, Slavyanogorsk, Yalta by the Azov sea, whence came with grate mass of impressions and large number of photos.

After ending 4-th rate and successful passing of graduation examinations, including military preparation, I have received the bachelor's degree electromechanics with honours and wishes of the chief of military chair, which has reminded, that I am already lieutenant and service under banners of the Armed Forces can be only voluntary.

On 5-th year I have liked a problem of maintenance of quality production and have entered on the second speciality " Quality, standardization, certification ".

The theme of my magistrate work is "Research of dynamic modes of electric drives of feeding of the electrodes of the electric arc furnace" was advised to me by my chief on SRWS the senior lecturer, candidate of engineering science, chief of a department of automation SIU "DONIX" Svetlichniy Alexey Vasilievich. He has explained me popularly, as far as it is important now electric steel manufacture and that my research work can spill light on some problems, which arise at regulation of work electric arc furnace.

As it is known time is uneasy now, therefore enterprises should save as much as they can. And the arc furnaces are the most powerful consumers of the precious electric power. One of the decisions on reduction of consumption of electrical energy - the automatic control of an electrical mode of the furnace. It helps essentially to reduce electrical and thermal losses in steel manufacture.

The chief of chair EM and TOE DonNTU Dudnik Michail Zaharovich was engaged in regulation by feeding of electrodes in the work " Linear engines for arc furnace " at electrotechnical faculty. Large attention is given to regulators for electric drives of feeding of electrodes of the arc furnace by SIU "DONIX", which including is engaged also in automation of steel complexes.

It is possible to set a question, whether there are prospects of development arc furnaces. Certainly! For example, by the end 80 years there was a following structure of steel manufacture in the world: convert 56 %, electrical steel manufacture 28 %, marten manufacture16 %. The steady world tendency of decrease (up to complete disappearance in the majority of the industrially advanced countries) share of marten steel and increase of absolute quantity and relative share electric steel. Last is explained by clear advantages of this process: small capital investments, technological and organizational flexibility of process, opportunity of complete exception of harmful ecological influences etc. The share of electrical steel is made at factories of black metallurgy is only 13 %. In this connection the basic direction of development of steel manufacture is of priority development of electric steel manufacture with a conclusion from operation marten furnaces. Thus the huge attention is given to optimum regulation by an electrical mode of furnaces. On change to old regulators there come modern computer complexes which are taking into account huge quantity of the factors, that influences work of furnace. The present regulators are constructed with use of high-efficiency controllers, industrial computers. Also arc furnaces are equipped with a computer regulator, capable to self-training, which work program is based on principles of neuron network. The main peculiarity of new automation systems is it does not aspire to result electrical and technological modes of the furnace in any standard parameters beforehand incorporated in system, and taking into account features of smelted steel and course of the smelting, put forward on a course of the smelting new optimum, by which, using all technological systems, the electrical and technological modes of the arc furnace are resulted. In this connection for a speciality EAPU the new horizons are open there are tasks, which require the qualitatively new decisions, unique development. Therefore sphere of activity of the experts EAPU considerably extends.

As to personal prospects, probably I shall work somewhere at a factory or in organization on adjustment of electric drives and in passing to be engaged in a science in the field of the speciality. I want to know more about the newest world development in the sphere of automation of industrial complexes: programmed logic controllers, industrial computers, regulators constructed on a basis neuronets. After ending the university I am going to study one more foreign language (most likely it'll be German) and I shall improve my English. With the help of systematic trainings and specialized programs I hope to increase speed of a set up of the texts to spend for a printed page no more than 10 minutes. By way of sports achievement it wouldn't be bad to lift laying a weight of 100 kg and to tighten on a horizontal bar for 45-50 times. In eyes of environmental people it would be desirable to look as disciplined, purposeful, comprehensively advanced man.

e-mail: andrey_kas@ukr.net