E-mail adress: eryomenkoSA@Ukr.net
subject of work: Influence of coals property on enrichment with the help of criomagnetic separation method
scientific head professor Saranchuk V.
I was born on the 10th of May, 1980, in Makeyevka, Donetsk region.
In 1987 I attended my first lesson in Makeyevka secondary school ¹93, that distinguished itself by high level of teachers’ staff and a great variety of entertainment. Having spent there 6 years I acquired store of knowledge that was stamped in my memory easily. I met many good (and not very good) friends, experienced the first lessons of life. After that I entered another educational institution, namely Makeyevka Lyceum. This school was notable for high standard of teaching. Besides pupils, who were interested in deeper study of curriculum subjects, could attend supplementary seminars and practical training. The system of marks was innovated: pupil level of knowledge, their performance and their attendance was estimated according to 10-mark system, taking in to account requirements of high school. School leaders took good care of pupils they helped to study, organized various hobby groups, where every body could be engaged in any activity he liked. Every week entertainments were held, where boys and girls could make fun and hove a good time (despite of the risk to be dismissed for mean behavior) ill’s like to pay special attention to the pupils of Lyceum, who belonged to clidderent strata of society, had different values level of culture.
As my great personal achievement I consider organization of entertainments in Lyceum, the first place in district olympiad in biology, honor certificate for good progress in physical training.
Following my desire to get the specialty of engineer I entered Donetsk State technical University. This educational institution has a very good reputation and prepares qualifies specialists for industrial works. The choice of speciality is determined by the fact that there are many enterprises of chemical production in our region.
I chose the subject of my thesis as ill considered it to be the most promising. Researches in the sphere of solid inflammable minerals enrichment are of great importance in our country, as the earth’s crust abounds in deposits of the above mentioned minerals. Reserves of other types of fuel on the territory of our country are not sufficient to meet the need of national economy. Enrichment of coals and coal wastes with the help of criomagnetic separation method can make the efficiency removal of ashes-and-sulphur-containing admixtures in 50-70% higher. It can also help to reduce energy loss in contrast to nowadays used methods of removal of undesirable admixtures. This method gives the opportunity to bring down emission of coal-enrichment wastes.
In the process of further education I’m going to improve my computer skills and command of foreign languages.