I was born on the 10th of June, 1980 in Makejevka of Donetsk region.
I spent my childhood hereand finished school as well.
In 1986 I went to school 11. At school I was the monitor of my class and represented it at the school parliament,I took part in games of "Brain-ring" and KVN Being a puple of the ninth class I won 1 place at the urban olympiad on a history, and later on the 3 place at the regional one. I was rewarded with school honour certificates for good knowledge of history.Being a puple of the 10th form I joined Intellectual games' Club, headed by Kofman. As a member of the team I participated in several competitions and filmings of the television game "Chocolate fairy tale", which was shown on Donetsk television.
When I had to choose a place of further study, I made up my mind to follow in my mother's footsteps and become a railway engineer. That's why I took a preparatory course for those who were going to enter Donetsk railway institute. But resauls the entrance examinations left much to be desired and I started to look for another opportunity. Donetsk Technical University attracted my attetion due to its sood reputation, status and a great number of facuities.Besides, a lot of my friends had already entered this university.
My choice was determined by 2 factors. Firatly, there were 2 coke plants in my native town. And I cosidered them as possible employers. Secondly, I was confident of my knowledge of chemistry, which I acquired thanks to my school teacher Ushakovs L.S.
I have passed examination on chemistry on excellent mark. I entered the faculty of ecology and Chemical technology a speciality " Chemical technology of fuel and Carbon stuffs ". And though profession of an engineer - technologist was not my old dream, I never have regretted the choice of faculty or speciality.
During my study I won the first place at the University olympiad and the fourth place at Ukrainian olympiad in speciality " Chemical technology of fuel And carbon stuffs ".
The subject of my researh work is "Statistical analysis of the factors determining the quality of coal tar". Being a third year student I worked at statistical analysis of the data within the framework of my reseach year paper under the quidance of assistant professor of our department Dedovets. He had been working at this problem for several years together with professor Saranchuk. They worked out problems concerned with mathematical description of a cake production as an integrated system and of separate processes. A few articles on this subject were published in magazine "Coke and chemistry". Being a fifth-year student I went on with my work in this field under the quidance of professor Saranchuk. The given question is of great importance. This can be accounted for by the fact, that mathematical modelling is the most profitable way of research of object from economic point of view. The received results can make the work of this object more effective and, as a rule, safer in respect of ecology.
Speaking about my personal future plans I'm going to enter post graduate studies at our department and work out the subject of research paper in my thasis for master's degree.