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Iryna Oleksandrivna Andropova is the student of the magistrates of Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of economics and management.


Specialization: finance and banking.

Research advisor Slyepnyova L.D., the lecturer of the chair "Banking and finance"

The subject of the research effort and degree work: “Credit risk estimate and management”.

Known for attention to detail, analytical treatment, responsibility and discipline.


Donetsk State (National since September 2001) Technical University.

Bachelor’s degree of “Economics and business undertakings” ---- July 2001.

Master’s degree of “Economics and business undertakings” --------July 2002.


Golden medal from school, the scholarship of The President of Ukraine, the Prize of The Head of Donetsk National Technical University, the prize of The Mayor of Donetsk.


First Ukrainian International Bank , the specialist of Cash desk (Currency) department of the Head Office, specialization: operations with gold and foreign-economic activity. Practice in FUIB

June 2000 – August 2001.


Methods of rating of credit status (solvency) of the enterprises, economic-mathematical methods of credit risks estimate and management, methods of problem credits management.


1. “Perfection of methods of rating of credit status of the enterprises” - materials of The first international scientific conference of students and young scientists, devoted to the 10th anniversary of independence of Ukraine “Science and youth” – Kiev, NAU The Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, 2001.

2. “Perfection of methods of credit risk estimate and management ” - materials of The all – Ukrainian competition of student’s research efforts, devoted to the 10th anniversary of independence of Ukraine – Donetsk, DonNTU The Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, 2001.

3. “ Perfection of methods of credit risk estimate and management in commercial banks of Ukraine ” - materials of The First international conference of students and young scientists “The management of social economic system development: global transformation, business undertakings, economic growth ” – Donetsk, DonNU The Ministry of education of Ukraine, 2001.

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