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Lutsenko Valentina     Lutsenko

degree project: "Ways on increasing of export operations efficiency
for a industrial enterprise".


I was born 13 of September, 1979 in Donetsk.
In 1996 I left the school №95.
Being a pupil I participated in Olympiads on a History, Russian and English languages, in which I won the second place. I also took the third place in Donetsk Regional Olympiad on a History. As for me, History was always a difficult subject, requiring a lot of energy and time. So this victory was the large achievement.
Within five years I was engaged in track-and-field athletics. Later I gave up sport, about which I regret now very much.
I left school with a gold medal and in 1997 entered The Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of Economy and Management, speciality "International economy". Two last years at school I was in a class of profound English language studing, which affected my choice of a future speciality.
In 2001 I have entered the magistrates.
My degree project is devoted to ways on increasing of export operations efficiency for a industrial enterprise. The analysis of Ukrainian foreign trade and main factors influencing its development are given in the work. In conditions of a rigid world competition stronger competitors confidently supersede Ukraine from the global market. Absence of the strategy and precisely determined priorities of external economic policy negatively effect the competitiveness of domestic production in the international markets.
If a long-term strategy of the export potential development is not worked out, Ukraine will have been losing positions in the international markets.
Therefore future task of external trade policy of Ukraine should become realization of a complex of measures (probably, within the framework of the special national program), directed on: increasing of competitiveness of the manufacturers in strategically important sectors; creation of technologically connected, competitive manufactures, which are capable to increase export of both the goods, and scientific and technical, educational, information and other services.
When graduate the University I want to find interesting work, to improve the knowledge and to become the good specialist.

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