“Za Molod”, 2001

Give me, please, 10 bucks…

I think that all successful people are excellent psychologists. Besides their professional skills and experience there is one important thing they possess - ability for living among the people. I mean ability to understand their needs and softy adapt it for your own. We may have such an ability from the birth as a gift and can develop it through all our life - as luck would have it. Besides economic disciplines, foreign languages and computer we have to pay much attention on improving and developing such communication skills. I know people who are excellent at their profession, they can manage the incredible technique but they don’t make head or tail of the relationship between the people. Many problems and job conflicts appear because of it. And it is a good chance to give it another brush, to improve and develop it while studying at the university and taking a course on it


We may do it differently.

It doesn’t sound very fetching. If the person even give you this amount of money in this cases it doesn’t mean that you persuade him to do it. In third case you just use power and threats to force person to do it. It may work only if you have wide shoulders, strong hands and threatening appearance. Along with 10 dollars you will obtain bad reputation and distrust. But if you tell it stammering out the words and your hands are trembling at the least you will look like a fool. In second and first case - he will hesitate and hardly give you money. We may motivate people in a different way. I mean with the help of authority, power and pressure. Sometimes it works and you can obtain through the authority what you want but It has nothing in common with the persuasion. If people do what you want and think that it was their own decision to do it – you have good persuasion skills. It can be improved and developed. It is a gift if you have it from the birth, but in most cases we have to improve it. It’s easier to persuade people when they trust and like you provided that you’ll show them logical reasons of the actions and support it with the facts and arguments. It is clear and goes without proof. But now I want to focus on another interesting thing - individual magnetism. Your own emotions, conviction, enthusiasm, let’s say light in your eyes. It can be expressed through the tone of voice, eyes and hands – very important channels of communication with the people. But big value has also your own way of behavior. The tone, conviction, enthusiasm may impress much better than the logic of your speech. I think it is bad idea trying to persuade people in written form or by the phone. In first case you give them too much time to think over the reasons and then to disprove it. The second case – persuasion by phone – is one of the most difficult way of communication. You use just half of your potential, your partner doesn’t see your face, your eyes, your gestures. He is just listening. May be at this moment he is more occupied with the present course of football match, repairing of the pen or making the sandwich, eventually. He takes no heed of what you say and rolls up his eyes waiting impatiently for stopping the talk. . During conversation he may be concentrated only on his own business. So we have take into account all this things and work on it.

And the last thing – people have different level of ability to be persuaded. There are some distrustful and suspicious people who are very difficult to deal with. They check all your reasons with great care and are prejudiced against everything you say. We also can’t forget about it.