Was born on July 11, 1980 in one Donetsk in the Kirov area. In 1985 in connection with change of a place of work of the parents, has moved in small city in the south of Donetsk area - Ugledar.
In 1986 has gone to school. It was the comprehensive school I-III of degrees ¹ 1. I am safe learn in it first three years, and then in connection with construction of new school and redistribution of learning. Ugledar between three schools, was transferred in a new comprehensive school I-III of steps ¹ 3, which has finished in 1997, becoming the graduate of a physical and mathematical class. The memoirs on school have remained most best. The study was given to me easily, I am active to take part in public life of school, was the captain of a school team KVN, organizer and active participant of various competitions and sports measures. Probably, at school my sports enthusiasmes also were generated: bodybuilding, boxing, navigation. Among my sports achievement of that time: the letters for a victory in urban relay race on 400ì and victory in a school championship on football, and also it is simple the letters for participation in sports measures. Also one of enthusiasmes at school can name participation in Olympiads in various subjects. In personal offset - 2 places on urban Olympiad on a history. The school years were remembered by the carelessness, such, perhaps, us to not be any more never. After leaving school I have received the creditable letter for active participation in public life and special successes in the field of mathematics. On it the school epopee was finished.
Having finished school, I already precisely knew where I shall act. Among directions, which I would like to be engaged in life two especially in were allocated: economy and jurisprudence. However, having weighed all "for" and "against", the choice was made for the benefit of economy, probably has had an effect mathematical last school years. As to high school and concrete speciality, DonSTU was chosen without the special fluctuations (first, it was finished by my father, and secondly, of an educational institution did not leave doubts). The speciality got out that the marketing on that moment was a direction still absolutely unknown and new.
So in 1997 I have acted in Donetsk State Technical University on faculty " of Economy and management (FEM) ", speciality " Marketing of the enterprise ". Being trained in university, I accepted active participation in his scientific, cultural and student's life, i.e. combined pleasant with useful: to take part in scientific student's conferences, acted at seminars in various subjects and certainly, did not overlook about days of faculties. After successful delivery of graduation examinations on a scientific degree - bachelor, I have acted in masters.
Theme by mine masters of the dissertation: " Forecasting of development of the market of mobile communication of Ukraine ". This theme is very urgent also study of one of the most dynamically developing markets represents the large interest for scientific research. Mine masters work should become a part of the large scientific project " Study of competitiveness and forecasting of development of the market of mobile communication of Ukraine ", which we develop together with Podgaynyy Alexsey Ivanovitch, masters of the same speciality, under a management Yarym-Agayev Alexander Nikolaevitch, candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer of faculty " of Economy and marketing ".
The mobile communication in Ukraine now experiences the present boom. For last two years the quantity of the subscribers has increased more than three times and continues. The market of mobile communication essentially differs from the market of the majority of other goods and services, which sale is either, or in a languidly growing condition. The difference of this market from others is explained on the one hand by his adaptability to manufacture, and with other social and industrial needs. Taking into account the estimation of a condition and prospects of development of the market of mobile communication is represented extremely urgent and interesting.
As to the future, after the termination masters, it would be desirable to work on a speciality. The highly skilled experts and are simply necessary for our country, taking into account that i already have some experience of work, i think to borrow the place in numbers of the best experts on marketing or advertising.