Prischenko Vladimir



The Cathedra of Mining Mechanics (MÌ)

The Faculty of Electrical Mechaniecs and Automatics (FEMÀ)

Donetsk National State University (DNSU)


The theme of the master's work: "Research of working water plant with higher imbibe quality".

I was born 6 december 1980 (12:30) in year of Monkey under the constallation of Marksman. Mine birth replenish a population of town Shahtersk.

The first once I'm sit down at the bench in school 22 of town Shahtersk when I have 7 year. The main achievement on that time was admission me to octobermen.

After removal with my parents to the Kirovskoe I continued to get midlle education in school 2.I active to taked part in towns olimpiads by phisics, mathematics, chemistry in last class; defended a honor of school in competition by voleyball (my grown is 193 centimeters).

I ended course of preperation of abiturients in last class. He was orginised by company "Octobercoal".During this course the teachers from DSTU listed to ours next subjects: phisics, mathematics and mining . In end I went a conversation and became the student of Donetsk National Technical University in 1997. I chose speciality of mine mechanics together with my parents because I like a technics and exact science.

During learning in university I taked part in olympiads by drawing, theoretical basis of electrotechnics, resistance of matherials, details of machins, hydraulics. This is taked me possibility to visit a Sevastopol, Perm (Russian), Kiev, Odessa.

In 2001 I was conferred the bachelor's degree (the Bachelor of engineering mechanics). Also I finished the Military cathedra, took the oath and received a rank of lieutenant of signal.

For writing masters dissertation I taked themes:" "Research of working water plant with higher imbibe quality".This themes devoteds one from problems mines waterworks and reduces to compares possible technological schemes of plants with pressure and perfecting a most efficacious system. Mien instructor is the lecturer, the candidate of Technical sciences Maleyev V.B.

About future of mine speciality, as I think, may to speak with firmness because the mines industry of Ukraine as a manybranches nathionaly-economical complex reserves a considerable place in the economy and will be exist many years yet. The achievements in any technical science may be use as regards to mines plants and technology.

I want to have increase myself knowledge from another branchs, adjacent with mines. I want to have learn Inglish better and may be German yet. Will be effecttive to met with scientific achievement and attempt of forein country. The most importent aim for me now is a entry to candidetion, because I want make science so on and open myself possibility as maybe more.

April, 2002.

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