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The Cathedra of Mining Mechanics (MМ)
The Faculty of Electrical Mechaniecs and Automatics (FEMА)
Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU).
The theme of the master's work: "Research waterworks installations with increase of efficiency".
March, 1, 1980 in hospital of city of Selidovo one more human being of a male with anybody the not clear purpose was born. It was I.It is those on my pure(clean) fine soul, same as a sheet of a pure(clean) paper, began to render the marks, prints people environmental me, events subjects.
With 6 till 17 years was necessity to visit(attend) school № 26 settlements Tsukurino. school years have put in pawn in me the basic component of the base of consciousness. Interest to subjects, to all new and unusual was showed since the first school years.
I want to note school teachers which have affected mine worldsee and development of mental faculties. To exact, technical subjects I am obliged to the inclination to the principal to the teacher of physics Alexander Ivanovne. Abilities in the field of the humanities have taken root due to the teacher of a history Valentine Mihajlovne. Especially it would be desirable to note the teacher of geography Larissa Andreevne which wise sayings were remembered to me on all life.
In the senior classes I was been in various regional Olympiads, borrowed(occupied) prize-winning places in biology, physics, mathematics.
At receipt I was guided by a principle of popularity. In Donetsk DSTU is the most powerful university having good educational base, preparing highly skilled experts. The speciality was determined by my interest to the mechanics and the electrician. Being trained in DSTU me such official achievements как:1-th a place on descriptive geometry were determined and 6-th on hydraulics (intra-university Olympiads) . Activ went in for sports:havy athletics and navigation.
Research warteworks installations is the necessary and important problem(task).
The offered theme was perceived(recognized) by me with enthusiasm qveishins reliability, efficiency and profitability of pump installations mine warteworks such scientists as in M.M.Fyodorov, V.S.Pak, A.V.Dokulin, G.M.Elanchik, V.G.Gejer, V.M.Popov, N.A.Bogomolov, P.F.Belikov, V.A.Fadin and others were engaged in development.
The decision of such problems(tasks) as increase of profitability, reliability is actual in any field of activity. The complex approach to a problem, the analysis and comparison of various variants, a substantiation of the accepted decisions - it those receptions which were involved by me at performance masters works. Such acquired skills and knowledge, I think, сослужат to me further good service.
In the future I hope to find the good work connected to manufacture, to be realized in it(her) as the creative and individual person. Development and perfection will be basic making my activity. I think, that purchase of a professional knowledge is important, but not the basic purpose. More important problem(task) of the person is development of emotional and corporal forces. Artur Shopengauer considered, that the biggest blessing for the person is birth provided to live not reflecting about getting means of subsistence. I shall try to make all from me dependent to take a worthy place in a society. But if by virtue of the objective and subjective reasons for me it will be not possible, I know, where I shall direct the further self-expression. I like to be engaged philosophical, medical and phsihologicol in problems. It would be desirable to engage in yoga seriously. I dream to write the book. And in general, I not especially worry for the future because as Eric Bern:pobeditel-it that person who knows has told that will do(make) if will lose.
With the appropriated(given) qualification the bachelor of the engineering mechanics has received the diploma in 2001. In the same year has finished training on military faculty: has accepted the oath, has successfully passed the state examinations and has received a rank of the second lieutenant of communication(connection).
After reception of the bachelor's degree has continued study in a magistracy on faculty " Mountain mechanics ". Under the direction of the senior lecturer, Cand.Tech.Sci. Jatsenko А.Ф.was been research work on a theme " Research waterworks installations with increase of efficiency ".