I was born on December 10, 1976 in Donetsk.
Since 1984 was trained in high school ¹ 92 of Donetsk. At school had a fancy a photo (was the nominal photographer of the class on all parties). Having ended eight classes, in 1992 has entered Komsomolsky an industrial technical school on a speciality ERME (Exploitation and repair of the mining electromechanical equipment). Has ended a technical school in 1996 with the red diploma.
After termination(ending) a technical school was arranged to work in MBC-13 (on building of Donetsk underground). Having worked a little I have come to a conclusion(injection) what to study in me to like more, then beginnings to think where to me to go to prolong the training. Having decided to prolong the technical education (capacity to the humanities did not differ), and slightly to expand area of the knowledges, in 1997 has entered Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU), now successfully renamed inDonetsk National Technical University (DNTU), on a speciality MUF (mining of underground fields).
As a subject of outlet activity has selected a subject " the SUBSTANTIATION of PARAMETERS of a WAY of PRESERVATION of STABILITY of ROCKS of SOIL of development WORKINGS ", as at present, in connection with increase of depth of activity of many mines, this problem is very actual. The chief of my outlet activity, teacher of stand MUF - “ SOLOVYOV G. I.
I am by the co-author of the article " About displacement of rocks of soil of development working in affected area of coal-face works ".
Now activity on a speciality is represented to me poorly perspective as a coal industry to be in downgrade and its to development the attention is not given. As a result of it I think, that by more successful outlook at present it to prolong the formation and to go in a post graduate course.