


Master of "International of economy"

Facultu of "Economics and management"



My biography I was born July 5, 1978 in Harbin, China.
In 1988 I has moved with my parents to Donetsk, Ukraine. I was enrolled into a high school ? 70 in Donetsk, and finished it in 1996 with an excellence.
It is possible to say that my achivement in school was the third place on regional Olympiads in mathematics and chemestry. I finished the school with a gold medal. In 1996 I entered Donetsk State Technical university on "Economy and management" faculty, saying deeply on "An international economy" speciality. I can explain my choice with an extremely high level of professional experience of experts who finished this high school and modern labour market requirements. DSTU diploma is admitted all over the world, that is why it is very important to me because I link my future plans with Ukraine as well as with my native land, China.
In 2001 I have protected an expert diploma by my speciality. The same year I entered a magistracy.
I explain my dissertation theme choice with its close communication with an economical disciplines and an actuality of present situations in economy. External economic activity is a basic component of every country economy. In this aspect, China's experience may be very useful to Ukraine, which still has a transitive economy. Donetsk region is an economic centre of Ukraine.
The most of products exported by Ukraine is made exactly in this region. The present and future of Ukraine depends on functioning efficiency of Donetsk region economy. Rich regions - strong country, it is not the motto, but a realities of this time. China's external economic activity model cannot be taken entirely and placed to Ukraine. But some principles and tools are possible and even necessary to implant in Ukraine's economy. Saying briefly, my work's actuality bases on it. Either an enterprise creation or production release demands detailed calculations and research. These calculations are presented in a business plan.
A couple of words regarding my future plans: after university graduating I would like to work in a foreign trade activities sphere, serving like a "bridge" between Ukrainian and China's enterprises, because the potential of mutually advantageous cooperation is boundless.