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CH - 6928 Manno 
A Collection of Modelling and
Simulation Resources on the

 Last update: 18/05/2001

Software libraries Visual Simulation Tools and Environments Simulation languages and integrated environments
Hybrid Simulation Simulation of Industrial Processes Simulation based on the World Dynamics approach
Bond graphs Web based and distributed simulation

Click on one of the above links to see a selection of simulation tools falling in the corresponding category. 

Software libraries

C++SIM C++ libreries for simulation of discrete event systems. A must have in your toolkit. 
SimTools, Version 2.7 A review of some simulation tools. Updated Jan 1995.
The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd (NAG) Library of numerical algorithms
Netlib Library of numerical algorithms
Simulations in Java Sim Java library
CSIM18 Mesquite CSIM is a process-oriented, general purpose simulation toolkit written with general C language functions. The toolkit allows programmers to create and implement process-oriented, discrete-event simulation models.
SSS A library (coded in C) for dicrete even system simulation by M. A. Pollatschek (visit his home page )
Mathtools A "portal" providing free access to a set of valuable resources for MATLAB, Excel, C, C++, Fortran and Java.
Warped WARPED is a public domain Time Warp simulation kernel written in C++. The distribution includes a plug-in sequential kernel to support comparative analysis to parallel executions. Primary development has been on Linux-based Pentium PCs, Sun Workstations, a 4-processor Sun SparcCenter 1000,  and the Intel Paragon
solutionsBase solutionsBase is the developper of baseSim Simulation Components are a suite of Visual Components designed to complement and extend the functionality of Borland Delphi v.4.0/5.0. They provide the means to produce simple or complex discrete-event Simulation Models. baseSim version 1.x has been released completely free of charge.
The Operational Evaluation Modelling for Context-Sensitive Systems (OpEMCSS) is an add-on to the Extend simulation environment. It allows the user to represent Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) with relative ease.
TomasWeb offers object oriented simulation tools that are implemented in Delphi 5 and 6. They are all based on the so-called 'process oriented approach': a description-method, where several events (state changes) are combined into one single 'process'. It therefore supports process-oriented simulation. TomasWeb has been developed primarly for education and research. It is a free simulation tool. It can be downloaded , but you will need Borland's Delphi to use it.

Visual simulation tools

Taylor ED Taylor Enterprise Dynamics is an object-oriented software application used to model, simulate, visualize and control  business processes. Most notably, a complete simulation model can be built and simulated in a full VR environment. The software can be used not only for industrial applications but is also a visual simulation tool where the user can use the 4D-script programming language to create his own models.
SIMUL8 SIMUL8 by Visual Thinking Intl. It allows the user to pick from a predefined set of simulation objects and statistical distributions to create the model. It also allows hierarchical modelling. Main focus on discrete event simulation.
Dymola The modelling environment Dymola, by Dynasim, an object oriented tool for modelling and simulation of continuous systems. Focus on robotics and mechanical systems. Now integrated with Modelica modelling language. Modelica allows integration and reuse of code developed in different modelling and simulation environments.
Extend Extend (ImagineThat Inc.) is a simulation environment which has a lot of features like model libraries, hierarchies of models and its own modelling language (ModL) which resembles C. Download available from the home page.
VisSim VisSim (Visual Solutions), a visual block diagram language for nonlinear dynamic simulation. Demo available for download from the home page.
Awesim (warning: read the note ->) Awesim provides a simulation engine focused on the production of model animations thanks to Visual SLAM. Animations can be built graphically and the user can specify controls to build interactive simulations. 
Update September 2000 (thanks to Anup Bandivadekar). Symix is the new distributor for Awesim which can be ordered through Jean O'Reilly ( ). Symix is working on a new website with its simulation products.
Labview Labview (National Instruments): a visual programming environment, that enables interfacing with various measurement and laboratory devices.
OMNeT++ 2.1 OMNeT++ is an object-oriented modular discrete event simulator. The simulator can be used for modelling: communication protocols, computer networks and traffic modelling, multi-processors and distributed systems, etc.
OMNeT++ supports animation and interactive execution.
It is available for download .
BuildSim BuildSim, by Tritera, is an Integrated Environment for Design, Simulation and Analysis of Systems. 
BuildSim is an interactive software application that integrates numerical analysis, block diagram mathematical representations, signal processing and
graphics in a graphical interactive environment.
It allows to generate source-code (C++ and Java). Available for Macintosh. There is a version available for download.
Artifex Artifex is a tool based on Class-based Extended Petri Nets which allows for visual modeling of dynamics and discrete event simulation. Can be used for HW/SW Systems co-design and     Distributed Real Time Systems. Educational program and demonstration copy are available at the website.
MicroSaint Micro Saint is a general purpose, flexible simulation software product.  It has a graphical user interface and is based on a flow chart approach to modeling. Runs on Windows machines. Demo available for download.
EcosimPro EcosimPro is a continuous system simulator. It is capable of dealing with Differential Algebraic Equations. 
It has a graphical user interface which facilitates the modeling task. Icons appearing in the model editor correspond to the real components of your system.
The user can specify the models using the dedicated EL language, which can call FORTRAN and C routines.
An interesting feature is the support of "simulation experiments" for a given model. A debugger is also available.
SimCreator SimCreator is a graphical simulation and modeling system. It is aimed at the simulation of continuous time systems.
It's interface is similar to Mathworks's Simulink. Simpler models can be connected to build complex models. Models can be nested. The graphical specification is then translated in C code. A beta version is avaliable for download , while a commercial version is expected for the 4th quarter of 2000.
Berleley Madonna A numerical simulation program for Macintosh and Windows computers. Designed to be a general solver of systems of ordinary differential equations. Developed at the University of California at Berkeley for teaching and research, it has been used for six years in classrooms and laboratories. 
It is Shareware, download here .
Experimental Object Technologies tools This company provides a set of tools, all of them with a visual development environment, for different simulation fields: hybrid simulation ( Model Vision ), parallel systems ( Covers ), and statecharts ( xjCharts ).
Simprocess Simprocess is an object-oriented, process modeling and analysis tool. It combines the simplicity of flowcharting with the power of simulation, statistical analysis, Activity-Based Costing (ABC), and animation.
SansGUI SansGUI is modeling and simulation environment for developing and deploying scientific and engineering simulators without writing any graphical user interface code.  SansGUI is currently available for Microsoft Windows platforms. Microsoft Visual C++ and Compaq Visual Fortran are supported for creating highly interactive in-process simulators while other languages can be used to develop external process simulators.
Traffic v2.0 Traffic version 2 is a simulation product designed to solve complex call-centre modelling problems, where traditional Erlang equations fail, but it can also be applied to any other queueing problem. It has an easy to use graphical interface and it runs under Windows.
iGrafx Process iGrafx Process from Micrografx is a modelling and simulation tool which assists in the improvement of workflow processes. It allows the user to easily enter the model of the workflow as a flowchart (it is also a powerful graphing tool) and then it provides simulation to perform what-if analyses of proposed workflow changes. 
JDEVS JDEVS is the outcome of the current PhD work of Jean Baptiste Filippi and it is still under development. JDEVS implements Zeigler's DEVS paradigm and it is particularly suited for modeling and simulation of natural complex systems.
SimCreator is a graphical simulation and modeling system. At the top level is a GUI interface that allows placement and connection of various components. Each component can either be a subgroup made up of additional components, or a C Code component.
It resembles Simulink in the "look-and-feel".

Bond graphs

MS1 MS1 by Lorenz Simulation is a continuos system simulator with the ability to let designers to use different modeling languages such as Bond Graphs, Linear Graphs, Block Diagrams and Equational Models and also to employ alternative model solvers such as ACSL, ESACAP, CSSL IV, DASSL, etc.
20-sim 20-sim (developed by Controllab products, derived from TwenteSim) bond graphs and blocks modelling system for continuous systems. Developed at the University of Twente. Demo download .
Symbols 2000 Symbols 2000, a product of two decades of research at the Indian Institute of Technology of Kharagpur, is a graphical modeling, simulation and control software. It provides an object oriented modeling tool using bond graphs, block diagrams, and equation models to model dynamic systems. Online simulation with event handlers. Pre-cast sub-models for advanced engineering components. Full C++ compatibilty. Analog, digital and state-space analysis using control systems module.
Demos for DOS and NT are available for download .

Integrated environments

MATRIXx MATRIXx: do you know what  MATLAB is? 
SIMULINK and MATLAB MATLAB: do you know what MATRIXx is?
Octave and Scilab Free software which can compete with Matlab and MatrixX. Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly
MIDEVA A replacement for MATLAB. Produced by Mathtools, they claim a better performance than Matlab\, while using the same m-files.It provides Just-in-Time compilation.
SimLab This is the initial release of the SimLab software. Includes mathematical functionality for algebraic and topological computations and code for creating triangulations of planar areas. Developed by Cornell University.
SDX SDX is a high performance Fortran based Problem Solving Environment for dynamics (continuous,discrete,hybrid) related applications in science and engineering.
ACSL Sim ACSL is owned by AEgis Technologies Group, Inc. ACSL Sim combines the core language ACSL, with a complete set of ACSL runtime libraries, the ACSL translator, the ACSL system macro file, the ACSL builder, and an easy to use graphical user interface to give the user an interactive and simulation-friendly development environment. 
Simulation languages 

CSL Sim ACSL (a language for simulation of continous system ) by AEgis Research into ACSL Sim, a tool for the simulation of continuous systems. 
SLAM II This is not the official page, but there are a few information on how SLAM works. This page is susceptible to disappear in the short future. Pritsker corp. has set up the site where we can find a description of Visual SLAM .
GPSS/H The Wolverine General Purpose Simulation System. A language for discrete event simulation.
SDX SDX is a high performance Fortran based Problem Solving Environment for dynamics (continuous,discrete,hybrid) related applications in science and engineering.
Ptolemy Project Ptolemy is a research project and software environment focused on the design of reactive systems, providing high-level support for signal 
processing, communications, and real-time control.
(site out of order 27 Sep 99)
The Data Systems Dynamic Simulator Plus (DSDS+) is a discrete-event-based simulator that eases the difficulties associated with simulation 
of high-data-rate, end-to-end systems. 
MODSIM III A language for simulation both object and process oriented. MODSIM was recently sold to Compuware , but I have no news on what they plan to do with it (Apr. 00).
Simscript II.5 Free-form, English-like simulation development and modeling language. SIMSCRIPT II.5 is designed to be used for discrete-event and combined discrete/continuous simulations.
Simple_1 SIMPLE_1 supports modeling discrete and continuous systems world views using a network modeling orientation. Features of the language include the ability of the user to declare variables and statistics requirements, perform I/O operations on files and to animate simulation results in real time easily utilizing built in language features. SIMPLE_1 utilizes a repetitive approach to run control to facilitate goal seeking modeling and run length definition based on model behavior.
Mosis (link broken, 6 March 2000) The modular simulation language - is an all-purpose high performance simulation language which has been developed at the Technical University of Vienna
Pasion Pasion is an object-oriented simulation language. The language has a process/event structure. Pasion source code is translated in Pascal, compatible with Delphi v3 or later. It can be used to model Queuing models, Continuous processes and allows the use of the Bond graphs paradigm.
A dowloadable demo is available on the website. Pasion's home page can be slow in downloading because of various ad banners.
WinSAAM The WinSAAM modeling system is a Windows-based version of the SAAM and Consam modeling systems.  It has been developed under the auspices of the Laboratory of Experimental and
Computational Biology, of the Division of the Cancer Biology and Diagnosis, of the National
Cancer Institute.  It is provided freely for use in scientific research.
MathCore MathCore AB offers two main products: MathCore C++,  an add-on to the well known Mathematica environment that compiles a subset of Mathematica into highly efficient C++ code. MathCode C++ provides a platform for rapid development of simulations and other expensive computations. MathModelica is is an implementation of Modelica in Mathematica. MathModelica permits object oriented design of physical systems for simulation and visual programming using a graphic editor. MathModelica integrates documentation,
runnable code, graphic connection diagrams and mathematical formulae in Mathematica notebooks. 
An environment and a simulation language for running agent-based simulations. Models are written using the standard Tcl/Tk scripting language and a graphical interface can also be used.

Simulation based on the World Dynamics approach

Powersim From Norway, a simulation tool which a marked "penchant" for Web Simulation. Free demos available.
Vensim Vensim, a system simulator from Ventana Systems, based on the world dynamics approach. For Windows and Macintosh. Demo download available. Free for personal use.
Stella + Ithink From High Performance Systems. Stella demo available.
ModelMaker Modelmaker (Cherwell Software Publisher) is a tool for modelling and simulation of compartmental systems. Demo available for Windows 3.1/95/NT. 
Berkeley Madonna Already listed in the "Visual Environments" category, it also provides the World Dynamics modelling paradigm.

Hybrid Simulation
Hybrid simulation deals with mixing discrete events and continuos simulations
Shift Shift is a programming language for describing dynamic networks of hybrid automata, consisting of continuous-time phases separated by discrete-event transitions. A project developed at Berkeley, by California Path.
CESIMO The Cesimo Group of the University of the Andes in Venezuela is active in research on hybrid simulation.
Simulation of Industrial Processes

SIMAS II SIMAS II is devoted to the simulation of industrial mass-production installations in the fields of automated assembly and food
gPROMS gPROMS, targeted to continuous systems modelling and simulation,  is designed to be both a fully-fledged simulation environment in its own right, and a simulation engine which can be embedded in vendor applications to provide a
comprehensive design and operations tool. 
SimBax SIMBAX is a decision support tool built specifically to fulfill the needs of the process industries in the area of material flow
simulation. SIMBAX allows you to quickly evaluate and
compare a variety of alternative scenarios in order to easily eliminate bottlenecks and find a solution avoiding non-productive occupation of the equipment and resources. 
SES/Workbench SES/Workbench, by HyPerformix, is a simulation tool for hardware architectures and complex systems in general. It supports the design of the simulation model from an object-oriented perspective and it provides both a graphical interface to enter the problem definition and a graphical animation of the simulation to represent the results. It is available for a wide range of platforms, from Unix flavours to Windows NT. 
WITNESS WITNESS, by Lanner Group, provides a graphical environment to design discrete event simulation models. It allows to automate simulation experiments, optimize material flow across the facility, and generate animated 3D virtual reality models.
WebDemos are available.
ARENA The home of ARENA (by Systems Modelling Corp) which has an object-oriented design and the ability to be tailored to any application area. Is based on SIMAN modelling language.
EASY5 EASY5, developed by Boeing Inc., is a software used to model and simulate dynamic systems containing hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, thermal, electrical and digital sub-systems. A complete set of control system modeling, analysis and design features is included.
The European distributor is Applied Dynamics International Ltd .
SIMPLORER A simulator for industrial design, research projects and teaching purposes. External code can be embedded. Has its own language. Allows for hierarchical structures.
A free demo can be oredered and received via snailmail. 
Promodel ProModel Optimization Suite is a simulation-based software tool for evaluating, planning or re-designing manufacturing, warehousing and logistics systems. 
AutoSimulations AutoSimulations provides simulation software that gives a 3D visual image of a facility as well as statistics of how the facility will perform.
DynaWiz DynaWiz is a general purpose multibody dynamics simulation program used in the aerospace, automotive, and robotics industries. It works with the C, C++ and Fortran control codes and it runs with Matlab/Simulink also. In both cases, you supply the control logic and DynaWiz takes care of the dynamics for you. It supports forward and inverse dynamics. It accomodates prescribed motion, flexible body dynamics, and restart capability. Demo version of 
Dynawiz is available. 
AMESim AMESim is a software dedicated to modelling and simulation of fluid power systems such as gearboxes, wheel transmissions, etc. It has also a library to model and simulate cooling systems, heat exchangers, etc. AMESim finds its applications in the area of automotive and aerospace industries. AMESim runs on multiple platforms such as HP/UX, Silicon Graphics, IBM RS/6000, Sun SPARCs, and Windows NT.
ShowFlow ShowFlow Simulation is designed to model, simulate, animate and analyse processes in logistics, manufacturing and material handling. It provides powerful visualisation and reporting tools, in particular for simulation animation. The modeller is facilitated by the availability of many simulation components ready to run.
The price is also very attractive. A trial demo is available for download.
cnet CNET is a simulator of computer networks. This simulator is not really focused on industrial simulation 'per-se', but to an aspect of it. It is a discrete-event network simulator enabling experimentation with various data-link layer, network layer, routingand transport layer networking protocols. It has been specifically developed for, and used in, undergraduate computer networking courses taken by thousands of students worldwide.
Web based and distributed simulation
In the near future it will be more and more difficult to draw a line between web simulation and traditional simulation. In my opinion, web simulation must allow the simulation and interaction of distributed entities. Not all of the tools listed below are ready for this, but they somehow aim in that direction.
Silk Silk is a Java-based modeling tool for the simulation, study and improvement of industrial systems.  Silk is a  modeling tool which merges the process-description modeling methodology within an object-oriented language. An educational version is available on request.
SLX SLX builds on the strengths of Wolverine's GPSS/H. SLX is structured as a multiplicity of layers, ranging from its C-like SLX kernel, at the bottom, through traditional simulation languages, e.g., GPSS/H, in the middle, to application-specific language dialects and extensions at the top. SLX contains powerful extensibility mechanisms for building new layers atop old ones. SLX has been coupled with other software, including DoD's High Level Architecture (HLA). 
STARDIS STARDIS is a simulation tool developed by EDS ( that has been used by EDS for over ten years for predicting the behaviour of future
military command and control systems and future communications systems. It has also been used for some civil projects.
STARDIS uses an object-oriented, event based approach to model real world entities and their communications. All the relevant discrete activities involved in the real world system are encapsulated in STARDIS entities using a mixture of rules written in structured English, and, if required, more complex routines written in a high level computer language.
JSIM JSIM is a Java-based simulation and animation environment supporting Web-Based Simulation. In JSIM, simulation models may be built using either the event package (Event-Scheduling Paradigm) or the process package (Process-Interaction Paradigm). In addition, a graphical designer (jmodel package) allows process models to be be rapidly built graphically. The qds package (Query Driven Simulation) under development controls the storage, retrieval and execution of simulation models as Java Beans and utilizes JDBC to access databases. It also stores model inputs and outputs. Finally, JSIM has three foundation packages: queue, statistic and variate.
SIMUL8 Business Simulation Player It's just like Adobe Acrobat Reader but it's animated and it calculates how a business or manufacturing operation will perform. The user will need Simul8 to create the model, but the executable will be executable on the web so that the modeller can distribute working simulations of any situation on the web.
RT-LAB RT-LAB is a simulation software used by major companies such as Ford, GM, NASA, Toyota, Canadian Space Agency... and allow to simulate Simulink and MATRIXx models in real-time with a network of PCs interconnected with Internet or Firewire or Giganet.It runs under Windows. Demo available .
GridSim The primary objective of the GridSim project is to investigate effective resource allocation techniques based on computational economy through simulation. Millions of resources and thousands of users with varied requirements must be simulated. The scalability of systems, algorithms, efficiency of resource allocation policies and satisfaction of users is studied. GridSim is a research project based on SimJava .
Forio brings web-simulation a step forward since it lets the user enter his/her own model, using a scripting language and then it provides web-based tools to design the user interface. The simulation engine resides on the Forio web server. The main focus is on business simulations  and they are geared towards operational issues (e.g. development of market  strategy).

Software libraries Visual Simulation Tools Simulation languages and integrated environments
Hybrid Simulation Simulation of Industrial Processes Simulation based on the World Dynamics approach
Bond graphs Web based simulation

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