Donetsk national technical university

Faculty of computer facilities and computer science

Faculty of Electronic Computers


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Kuzmin Dmitriу Alekseevich





 My dissertation
Electronic library
Statistics of search


My brief biography:

I was born on September 2, 1980 in Donetsk. In 1986 has gone to school №12. Donetsk, in which has received my initial education. At school training I have received the first concept about computers and computer science. In 1997 has ended this school with a gold medal. During training in 11 class I have accepted the decision to continue my acquaintance to the world of computer engineering and computer science. I sent the application on passage of competition for the right of transfer without examinations on a speciality " Computer and intellectual systems and networks " of Donetsk technical university. My dream has come true, and per one perfect Saturday day I have found out the surname in the lists of the entrants, which have received the right to arrive in university without a passing examinations.

September,1 1997 I began my training at university. In 2001 I have finished with distinction bakalavring DonNTU. Now I am trained on 5 rate of university, which in 2001 under the right has received the status national. During my training at university I managed to receive one of most maximum, on my sight, awards: in the spring 2001 I have taken part in II a stage Ukrainian to student's Olympiad on system programming, which passed in Kharkov, and on which in me was engaged individual 10 places among 74-ти of the participating programmers, and 2 command places in common offset. The detailed information on this Olympiad you can find here:

In the period with 2000 on 2002 , was the conducting programmer of firm "Ника". On a sort of the work I was engaged in sale, introduction, support and adaptation of family of the programs "Акцент - бухгалтерия". I also carry out development of the software in language C/C ++. For year of my work with " the Accent(stress) - accounts department " was introduced by me a lot of the projects on automating of the accounting and warehouse account by this program. Among them:

By result of these projects was the creation of research work, in which by me is independent in language With ++ the program of the automated warehouse account was developed which also was introduced into production.

At the given moment I pass training in masters DonNTU. Under a management Anoprienko A.Y. at the given moment I am engaged in a spelling of work on a theme "

3-D visualization of the distributed simulating systems ". The given theme is rather urgent at the given moment and I am going and further to be engaged in development of similar systems in aspirants, where I plan to arrive after the ending masters.


My dissertation
Electronic library
Statistics of search


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