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I was born December, 22, 1979 in Donetsk. In 1986 has entered to 1-B a class of school ¹142 in which studied up to 7-th class. Since 1992 I was trained in school of ¹61. After the ending 9-th class I entered to Donetsk technical college where has passed three-year training (9-th-11-th class). At that time in me has appeared desire to participate in regional Olympiads on computer science, mathematics, physics in which I occupied prize-winning places. As rezult I visited Kirovograd to Ukranian Olympiad in physics where good luck has left me and which events I am vaguely similar to events of Winter Olympic games of 2002 in Salt Lake City (USA). Already in 8-th class I have decided to connect my future speciality with computer facilities. Further I was only convinced of a fidelity and foresight this decision. From universities I has decided to choose DonNTU, because it has very big plus - faculty of military preparation and a long-term history. From available specialities I has chosen "Computer systems and networks" as has decided, that this direction gives the greatest opportunities of professional growth. And in 1997 I have entered to Donetsk national technical university on faculty of Computer science and computer facilities.
During studing I has mastered programming languages Assembler, Pascal, C ++, Java Script, Java, Perl, Parallaxis, Prolog, and also hardware description language VHDL and hyper-text markup language HTML, has seized such tools as Borland With ++ Builder, Borland Java Builder, Borland Delphi, Aldec Active-HDL etc. In May, 2001 I took part in testing, spent to Kiev be american company Aldec Inc. By its results I has received certificates in nominations VHDL Behavorial and VHDL Synthesis. In the summer of the same year I passed industrial training in Krakow (Poland) in the polish division of Aldec Inc. During training in perfection I has seized such tools as Aldec Design Verification Manager, Xilinx Foundation, Mentor ModelSim, Synopsys FPGA Express, Synopsys FPGA Compiler, Sinplicity Sinplify etc., has familiarized with HES-technology (Hardware Embeded Simulation), The developed company Alatek Inc., operational system SunOS, local sights and water park.
For "achievements in study and active participation in scientific work" the council of rectors of universities of Donetsk area November, 29, 1999 gived to me the grant of Donetsk regional council of people's deputies of Ukraine. And in 2000 and rector Minaev A.A. expressed the gratitude in written form and also awarded with the monetary premium at a rate of 50 UAH.
Having considered, that one speciality for full happiness insufficiently, has passed in parallel additional styding at faculty of retraining of personnel, having received a speciality the economist-bookkeeper.
As a lot of time I had devoted to studying VHDL and devices such as FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), I choose a theme of final magistry works has chosen "Development of algorithms of tetsing FPGA-devices on technology boundary scan". In my opinion this direction of researcheshas the big future, thanking a growing urgency of personification Computers. This problem also are called to resolve reprogrammable chips FPGA which allow to adjust very small-scale and even piece manufacture enough complex devices, with practically absent expenses on technological processes, connected to release of a concrete kind of the chips. And application FPGA of modules in universal computers allows to optimize them under the decision of a specific target, without loss of their universality, as reprogrammable chips provide boundless number of cycles of reprogramming in limits of its life cycle as product. But in our world there is nothing eternal, as gives life to a direction of diagnostics FPGA-devices. In the future my partners and I hope with joint efforts to finish the developed methods up to comercial realizations which will occupy the niche in the given market.