Russian Ukrainian

Rychka Sergey Vasylyevych

Faculty CS
Group VT-97g

"Methods and means of the analysis, modeling and designing of large-scale computer networks"
Chief: Anopryenko A. Y.

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Creative biography

I was born on July 20, 1980 in the city of Donetsk. In 1987 I began my study in average comprehensive school ¹ 13. From 9-th form within the framework of the school program I studied the programming language Basic. In 1997 I finished school, having received the letters with distinction on algebra, geometry, physics, history and computer science.

After graduating the school in 1997 by the results of ratings I entered the Donetsk national technical university on faculty of Computer technics and informatics , as always gravitated to technical disciplines. A choice of a specialty "Computer and intelligense systems and Networks" was caused by enthusiasm for programming and study of principles of construction and work of operational systems since 5-th form of school, and also desire to get new knowledge both on software and hardware.

During studying I had mastered the programming languages Assembler, Pascal, C, C++, Java Script, Java, Perl. From 3-rd course I studied features of construction of networks, principles of work of the network protocols and operational systems like Unix. Further, after purchase of the certain knowledge and skills, was engaged in study methods and means of the analysis, modeling and designing of large-scale computer networks, which the choice of a subjects of the dissertation is connected with. At the present on this subject I have made the report and had written a number of articles, the part from which was published in the collection of Donetsk national technical university and Kremenchug state technical university, and took part in drawing up laboratory works for specialist's education on a subject " Network Information technologies ". In 2001 I had received the bachelor's degree at a Donetsk National technical university.

Because of the fast development of computer technologies and increase of volume of a data flow between workstations and servers rather recently there was a question about the analysis of efficiency of work of computer networks with the purpose of revealing " narrow places ". Now scientific and technical base on faculty "Computer technnics and informatics" in this area is not created yet, because of the novelty of a subject and rather small volume of the saved information. Now the developments on the given direction conducts Anopryenko A. Y. Within the framework of the degree project one of the tasks is the modeling and analysis of a network infrastructure of the Donetsk national technical university.

In the future I am going to connect my activity with branches concerning system and network programming, network technologies and operational systems on base of Unix. At present I work as a system administrator in the "Fund of support of progressive reforms" and in the Donetsk national technical university.
