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Serezentinov Andrey Gennadievich

Serezentinov Andrey Gennadievich

Human Resources management in multinational companies

Head of work:
Zori Sergey Anatol'evich

I was born 29/08/1980 in Donetsk

In 1997 I finished school N36 (major physics, informatics, math) and then I decided to choose speciality where I could study management & information systems

1997-2002 Donetsk National State University
Faculty: Engineering and computer science
Speciality: Information systems in management

Working experience:
2000, June - July, National foundation of enviroment protection and water management (Department of foreigh affairs) Warsaw (Poland)

Russian - Native
Ukrainian - Good
English - Excellent
Polish - Basic
Spanish- Basic

Public activity:
Since 1999 I have been working in Donetsk representative of AIESEC
2000 Exchange program manager
2000 - 2002 President of AIESEC in Donetsk
Since february 2002 - Vice-president on external relations

I have worked in organise committee of about 10 conferences, took part of more then 40 management seminars and conferences in Ukraine and abroad

The theme of dimploma work I choose because of I am really interested in management of human resource.

Now when economic situatuion change every time experience in sphere of management of human resourse will be really useful for our companies

In tne nearest future I plan to have internship abroad and then come back to Ukraine and work for multinational company

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