![]() Zagirniy Alexey magister faculty Computers engineering and computer science (FCECS) Donetsk national technical university |
:: The Biography :: | :: My Coordinates :: |
Pair of words about the biography. I was born in a settlement Broshnev of the Ivano-Frankovsk area, However contrary to this in the passport I am written down, as the native Shakhtersk of Donetsk area (earlier Was so it accepted - where live, there and was born). As well as all children I went in kindergarden, and it was necessary to go to me in him(it), When to me was executed only 6 or 7 months. I have gone to 7 years in school. For an interval in time from first till the ninth class I have replaced 3 schools. Was and in school 2, and in school18, and, at last, has stopped on school1. Probably, last Me has involved with the profound study of exact sciences and excellent teachers by structure. With 10 till 11 classes I studies in physical and mathematical Liceum. During training I participated in school in Olympiads on physics, biology, history, in which it was possible to borrow prize-winning places. In 1997 has finished Liceum with distinction, which consist in delivery to me of a silver medal without Silver:). And here that was necessary to me uneasily. It was necessary to choose the future speciality. As I have ended physical and mathematical Liceum with distinction, me invited to act In DonNU without any examinations. However, knowing the interest to komputers and everything, that with it is connected, I have submitted the documents in Donetsk sate technical university (DonSTU) on faculty Computers engineering and computer science. In 2001 I have finished on a speciality " Computer Engineering". In present Time I study in it, but already of Donetsk National Technical University. |
[in Donetsk] Chaluskintsev str. 184a r. 1012b [in Shakhtersk] Suvorova str. 42-3 tel/fax (3806255) 4-24-93 [E-mail] giperhawk@pochtamt.ru [ICQ UIN] 132955703 |
:: My Interests :: | ||
I am able to program On Assebmler, C, C ++, Pascal. Also to me intresting to program under Internet on HTML and JavaScript. I can note that, That to me especially to like to be engaged in repair and study of "structure" of computer iron and office equipment. Certainly in it me has helped My university. Therefore, I work in firm, where I am engaged in elimination of malfunctions of printers, xeroxes, faxes - Everything, that as is connected to the computer. Intresting I have connected with by work at university. Its theme " Research |