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I was born on October 15 1978ãîäà in city Lisichansk, Lugansk region. In 1984 (i was 5 years) entered in Lisicansk high school ¹28, where i had studed 9 years. The best teacher at this school I guess was, my class chief, Antipina Larisa Vladimirovna.Thank havent any problem with mathematics. Only thank to her. Also in that time there perfectly taught chemistry. After finishing school I entered in The Lisichansk mining technical school (1993) department « mining survery ». In the technical school I had a probation woch in the cool mining D.F. Melnikova hikov as worker in the marksheydrrsky department. Gratuated technical school wite honors in 1997.
In the same year i entered in Donbass mine institute (Alshevsk) department « Mine and underground construction » due to the contract which was made between a technical school and institute. The teaching there is very special and original while I have studied in this university. I was in my third year (after I finished the military department) I handed to get the second economic education and so I entered to the deportment “The Finance of the enterprises”.
During all time of studding in the University I have lived in hostel ¹7. (No coments).
The theme of my work was recommended by my chief. And I was liked. It is a very perspective now, but there is not theory of using of the given substances, and the practical facts and are little-known to a wide circle spesialists. This problem was learnt by the assistant professor A.G. Gudz. He has written some articles in scientific magazines, and also specification on useing and keeping of not explosive destroying substances. However methods have not received wide applicationin becouse in these time wasn't any teoryty base for usingend technology of work.
Then way is very perspective: differs by safety for an environment, because the process of destruction does not cause noise, is not accompanied by seismic fluctuations, by emissions of firm products, does not pollute an environment by toxic substances and substances with difficult process of recycling. The way does not need application of any kinds of energy (neither electrical, nor pneumatic). The not explosive structures are expedient for applying there, where it is impossible to apply blasts and other dynamic methods of destruction, and the application of jackhammers is not economically expedient or unsafe. The main area of application of a way in the foreseeable future is loosening the bases destruction of buildings and structures at physical liquidation of mines. The way also can be used at liquidation of separate monolithic concrete and ferro-concrete designs during mine and underground construction, and also on other manufactures, for example, on metal works at reconstruction of industrial lines ints shops, and also in immediate proximity from them.
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