I was born in a beautiful town, which is called Artemovsk.
The year of my birth coincided with the year of conducting the summer Olympiad
in Moscow - it was in 1980.
And the day, when I was born coincided with the holiday, which was celebrated
all my large country. The 12th of April is a Day of Space.
May be therefore I wanted to enter to Kharkov Aviation Institute.
Space always attract me. At the school I with pleasure wrote the referat, which
subject was "Space in poetry of Fyet". At the University
I worked on problem at radiolocation, where we offer to use semiconductor matter
as like a surface of parabolic antenna. I spoke at the conference with this
work in Dnieperpetrovsk in a Space centre for youth.
But about this a little later...
In 1987 I entered to school N11 at my town. During my study there school has
got the state profiler school and before mine finishing I study at the class
with physical and mathematical profile.
My teachers gave me so much. And our class leader, Larisa Ivanovna Taranchenko
(physicist) - person which accustomed us of serious work and exited our curiosity
to cognition of world. A splendid man and a teacher of mathematics are Galina
Ivanovna Miroshnichenko. Her treatment with us was sometimes as like as adult
people and another as her children. She was able to attract us of mathematics,
opened for us world, what built on mathematical proportions, what is exact,
strict and beautiful.
The large contribution of my education deed my school teacher of informatics,
he is a candidate of technical sciences, his name is Gribanov Gennady Nikolaevich.
This man taught me logic, writing of programs: at first by AL (algorithmic
language), then by Pascal. Owing to him I entered to the University not most
foolish at this direction, because I had idea about PC, about net, about client
and server.
My teacher in the field of humanitarian sciences so also have left in my shower
indelible imprint. Mark Vlodimirovich (Russian language and literature as
well as ethics and psychology of family life), Nugaeva Nina Romanovna (prominent
teacher of Ukrainian language and literature), Kovaleva Olga Iosiphovna (Russian
language and literature), Elena Anatolievna and Mira Petrovna (historians,
whose lectures we attend with big pleasure).
So I am pride of my school and thank my teachers for their contribution.
My achievements
My own achievements is very small. During my study at school I conquered at
the school Olympiad of biology in our town. Within a students time I attracted
at the conference in Dnieperpetrovsk (about I said
above), where I spoke about possibility of use semiconductor matter as like
a surface of parabolic antennas. The offering method on our opinion it can do
easy problem of problem of radar scanning.
On IV course I began development of project about remote education. This project
was written with using Web-technology and language Perl. In it was tested only
one topic (it is subject of lecture by course LAN, lecturer is Boyko V.V.) -
organization of exchange by postal messages (mail). If you want try it in action
go to a page of projects.
I entered to the Donetsk Technical University (at that time it was called DonSTU,
and before DPI) in 1997. After visit a Day of Opened Doors, which is yearly
conducted, I solved to pass examinations to this technical higher educational
institute. At that moment my requirements satisfy two faculties: 1) the Faculty
of Computer Engineering and Information Science (FCEIC) and 2) the Faculty of
Computer Information Technology and Automatics (FCITA). In total, I has chosen
the FCITA, profession "Telecommunication systems and networks" and I am not
disappointed. Welcome to our site http://fcita.dn.ua
Masters work
My masters work is denoted problem of increasing of efficiency of systems an
single sideband modulation (SSB) of radiotelephony. Increasing of efficiency
is produced to account of essential reduction of volume of sent information,
that is reached deep compression (before -20dB). So deep compression of signal
amplitude brings to large change the form of signal: instead of sinusoid oscillation
variable frequency, getting sequence of pulses of same frequency. Thereby, we
already don't need to digitize signal "by amplitude", i.e. disappears need of
using ADC and DAC in channel, that vastly simplifies equipment of communication.
Except this advantage, signal of pulsed type exceedingly suitable for pass on
digital channel. Digitizing that moments of time, when signal changes its polarity,
we hereunder do not contribute redundancy into sent signal, which on person
when use the theorem by Kotelnikov. In more detail essence of my scientific
work is revealed in compliance section. My leader on my masters work is candidate
of technical sciences Voroncov A.G., he is a one of the most experienced specialists
of our department. About him you may knowing on the next address: http://fcita.dn.ua/russian/prepod/f4.html
e-mail: vag@fcita.dn.ua
My hopes
Of course I dream to become professional in chosen by me direction - telecommunications.
I much want to reach to that level, on which knowledges really valuable. While
before this else far off, but I not sitting doing nothing. Each day bring me
a new experience, built on their own or someone else mistakes. But I want to
know much more, as large as possible. Well, we will look, what I will obtain
the years so through 10-15...