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Vasyaeva Tatyana Alexandrovna Faculty: CITaA Group: CSD-97 E-mail: vasyaeva@tr.dn.ua Subject of dissertation: "Projecting specialized computer sistem on base of neuron networks for diagnostising onkological illnesses circulatory tissues" The scientific chief:d.e.s., professor Skobcov Y.A. |
I was born on 3rd of May in 1980 in Makeevka, where I've been living nowadays.
My father - Vasyaev Alexander Vasilievich finished Makeevsky Engineering-Building Institute in 1977. Nowadays he is working as chief of bureau of Main Administration of Town-planning and Architecture of Makeevka.
My mother - Vasyaeva Galina Vasilievna , finished Gorlovsky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Now she is working an English teacher.
I went to school in the age of seven. After finishing eight classes I successfully passed exams to Makeevsky Town Lyceum. There I decided to continue my education. During my study I took part in Olympiads on mathematics, physics, foreign languages. My best achievements are first place on district Olympiad on mathematics third place on physics. That period I studied some additional courses for barbers, tailors, secretary-typists.
When the problem of post school education touched me, I had no doubt for the place of my future education. My choice was Donetsk State Technical University. But profession? That's the question. After visiting day of open doors and reading special issue of newspaper 'Donetsk Technician' I decided, that profession CSD(Computer systems for medical and technical diagnostics) fits me the most. Besides , I have always been interested in medicine and that fact greately influenced on my decision. In 1997 I passed exams and became a student of DonSTU. After the third course I practiced in Institute of Urgency and Restoration Surgery in the vascular section, where with my mates I researched my first project: Database for dealing with patients, with an ability to search, sort, to save all valuable data. Then I worked on projects for Project Bureau in Main Architect Administration of Makeevka: Databases for keeping and processing information, program for solving geodesic tasks.
In 2001 I passed final exams and received diploma of bachelor in computer engineering. That year I continued education in magistracy. Nowadays I'm working on dissertation on theme 'Projecting specialized computer system on base of neuron networks for diagnosing oncological illnesses circulatory tissues.' Project leader is Skobtsov Y. A. Department of Makeevsky hospital number 2 orders this project. I'm researching this project to help medical personnel for static processing of information and data analysis, with aim on choosing optimal scheme of curing and forecasting the results.