Scientific work
"Research of influence of design data of stopper - monoblock on its resistance and development of a design of the lock mechanism of intermediate ladle of MCMP for realization of casting steel of the big series "melt on melt "
I was born in 1980 in Donetsk.
In 1986has gone to the first class of high school 101 Petrovskogo areas. During training at school was interested in the exact sciences. Plotting most of all was pleasant. At these lessons has got spatial thinking. Participated in collective radio station "Crystal " (uv3iwu) club " Young Technik".
After the ending of 9-th class in (1995) has arrived in Donetsk technical liceum.. The liceum is an educational institution with the profound studying the exact sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, plotting), the big attention is given also to the humanities. Pupils of liceum more than once occupied prize-winning places on regional and republican Olympiads.
Using the knowledge received in liceum, could arrive in
1997 in Donetsk state technical university (later national) on mechanical faculty.
Choosing at receipt the faculty, has stopped on mechanical because from the childhood I like something to make, design. Process of creation of the new mechanism from statement of the task, suddenly arising idea of realization, up to the ready device facing to eyes is pleasant. Besides, as to me have explained at receipt, here teach not only " nuts to twist " but also to make it it is qualified. Faculty " mechanical equipment of metallurgical plant " (MEMP) on which my choice has fallen is engaged in questions of designing of the new equipment and service and modernization already established. Graduates of faculty, having deep knowledge in the field of the mechanics, work practically in all branches of a national economy.
During training has become interested in Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD, the Compass, AutoDesk INVENTOR, Solid Edge etc.). I was struck with an opportunity allowing in a design stage to receive three-dimensional model of the mechanism and to display on the screen that will be made " in iron " later.
In 2001 has received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a direction " the Engineering mechanics " and has acted in a magistracy.
At a choice of a theme magistry works has taken advantage of recommendations of the head - the senior lecturer of faculty Eron'ko S.
The metallurgical branch of region requires introduction new энергосберегающих without waste technologies which will allow to let out competitive production and indirectly to reduce thus loading by an environment. One of such technologies iscasting of steel with application of machines of continuous moulding preparations (MCMP) by the method "melt on melt". This method allows to reduce amount of crops to increase productivity of the unit and to lower of power intensity, that lowers the cost price of let out preparations and production made of them. For realization of this technology are necessary more perfect complex of the equipment and more proof refractory. In my work researches is intense - deformed conditions of models of stoppers - monoblocks are submitted, offers on their improvement are brought with the purpose of increase of resistance, and the variant of the mechanism of management by a stopper of midle ladle for maintenance of a constant level of metal in a crystallizer is developed.
Personal prospects