    I was born in Donetsk on 23 October, 1981. My Father is Bugayov Nikolay, 1957 of birth, the miner on a speciality, now the pensioner. My Mother is Bugayova Lubove, 1960 of birth, repairman of especial importance equipment of automatic telephone exchange " Istok " of Open Company Technological communication of "Farlep-Don".     In 1988 went to school 135 city of Donetsk and to complete one's studies in 1998. The most favourite lessons at school were chemistry, biology, mathematics and, certainly, physical culture. At school was had favourite teachers, such as: Molotkova Tamara - the mathematics teacher; Silkina Valentine - the class teacher in physics in 11-V a class; Jmaka Love - the teacher of chemistry and biology. At free times I visited facultative in and basketball. Also to take part at school competitions chemistry and a sports hall. When I went going to school, I was hobby a collecting of marks, enthusiasm for football on physical culture between schools in running on 2000 meters. Has come in the four of winners.     In the that year was to come on the first course of electrotechnical faculty of Donetsk state technical university. The hobby for the exact sciences has influenced a choice of university. When the university was determined, it has emerge a question with a choice of faculty and specialization. On entrance examinations was included on the first course on Electrotechnical faculty (ETF) a speciality "Electric power plants"(ES).     On initial course of study in institute has visit a physical culture with elements of acrobatics, but to sports and has not gone. On the third course with the students my group participated in competition Donetsk national technical university in sports acrobatics on program 1 - "B" the category "Pyramid" in competitions between faculties on physical culture in brigade of four persons. Our faculty ETF has taken a prize-winning third place with 18,2 points.     After the IV course want to learn in a the magistrates and to continue the studying the exact sciences on the speciality. It is known, while in service a high-voltage electric equipment on manufacture isolation in long time can lose the qualities, will worsen, and it can result in switching-off or exit of work equipment the constant control and diagnostics of an electric equipment is necessary. And so I to decided to choose to myself a theme magisters works: "Estimation of quality of a condition of insulation auxiliary of connection the cable-motor in the switched off condition". After
the ending of university I would like to be engaged in work directly in
this sphere.