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Lebedev M.A.

Michael Aleksandrovich

group ESiS-98
Department "Electrical networks and systems"

Electrotechnical faculty

Donetsk National Technical
University (DonNTU)


The theme of the master work:
"Mathematical simulation of the transients in the laminated core of the measuring voltage transformers by applying the impulse detecting signal."

Superviser of studies:
d.t.s. prof. Rogozin George

Abstract of the master work
Electronic library
List of the references
Results of the search in Internet

        I, Lebedev Michael Aleksandrovich, was born on November 4, 1981 in the city of Vladivostok. Father - Lebedev Alexander Rudolfovich, 1954 of a birth, now lives in Vladivostok, works in Far East sea shipping company (he is navigator). Mother, Lebedeva Irina Anatoljevna, 1960 of a birth, - the teacher of faculty " Higher mathematics " of Donetsk national technical university.
        The childhood has passed on the Far East, and before receipt I have lead a lot of time to school in Khabarovsk edge, in military station where in garrison my grandfather - the officer of sea aircraft served.

        In 1988 I have been accepted in the first class of the specialized secondary school Ή3 (with an aesthetic bias) of Vladivostok. During studying in elementary grades was engaged in a drama school, was fond of navigation, on a regular basis visited pool. In 1992 has moved to live to Donetsk where has continued study in secondary school Ή8. In 1995 has arrived in Donetsk technical college. While went to school, a lot of time gave employment in ship-modelling sections at Station Young technicians where has created some models. With these models repeatedly acted at competitions. In parallel was engaged in computer section. During study in college has successfully left school " Young hacker " at DSTU and computer rates in DSCU on a speciality " the Operator of the computer ".

        In 1998 has arrived in Donetsk state technical university on a speciality " Electric systems and networks " (έΡθΡ) power faculty. It is necessary to note, that a problem of a choice of HIGH SCHOOL, as such, did not arise. I since the childhood was fond of technics, that, in the certain measure, have affected my school hobbies. As to a speciality and faculty here fluctuations and doubts was enough, however, I think, that the choice is made by me truly. The power is always actual, experts of the given structure, as a rule, are claimed. Besides everything, I like my speciality that is important.
        I studied normally. On 3 rate (Sevastopol) participated in student's conference " Actual problems of applied mathematics ", has been awarded with the diploma of 2 degrees. In 2002 upon termination of 4 rates has received the bachelor's degree.

        The theme masters works I have chosen " "Mathematical simulation of the transients in the laminated core of the measuring voltage transformers by applying the impulse detecting signal. " as I was interested with a question of diagnostics of the equipment.

        After end of a magistracy I plan to work on a speciality.

Abstract of the master work
Electronic library
List of the references
Results of the search in Internet

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