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Mishlakov D.A.

Dmitriy Alexandrovich

group ESiS-98
Department "Electrical networks and systems"

Electrotechnical faculty

Donetsk National Technical
Universaty (DonNTU)


The theme of the master work:
"Automatic analysis of emergency
situations in electric systems"

Superviser of studies:
c.t.s., senior lecturer Zabolotnyi Ivan Petrovich

                          Abstract of the master work                          Electronic library
                               List of the references                    Results of the search in Internet

        I, Mishlakov Dmitriy Alexandrovich, was born in August 20-th in 1981 in Donetsk. My father - Mishlakov Alexandr Alexandrovich, 54, is a chief of laboratories power station department of Electro-technical faculty DonNTU. My mother - Mishlakova Tatyana Ivanovna, 45, is a private businesswoman.
        Since 1988 till 1994 I was studying at school N 45 in Donetsk. After school I entered Donetsk Technical Lyceum. I finished it in 1998 with the Gold Medal. During studing I took an active part in regional, local and district olimpiads in Mathimatics, Chemistry, Programming and Biology. From very childhood I am fond of different kinds of sport.

        In 1998 I entered DonSTU. Now I am studing electrical systems.
        I choose my future speciality because I like exact sciences. After fourth year studing I recieved bachelor's diploma with honours degree. I have some certifacates of merit. I find expert systems in power engineering the perspective trend.
        I have not decided what I will do in the future - to connect the life with science or manufacture. May be I will attend the post-graduate course.

                          Abstract of the master work                          Electronic library
                               List of the references                    Results of the search in Internet

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