Kovalyov Alexandr PetrovichProfessor of the sub-faculty "Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption" of Donetsk national technical university. The expert in the field of safety and reliability of technical systemse-mail: Kov@ukrtop.com |
Scientific concerns Scientific reachings Implementation of the obtained scientific results To main page |
Implementation of the obtained scientific results 1. The mathematical models, offered the writer, were put in the basis of development 9 branch documents.  2. The technique "Detection, registration and estimation of perils on the electrified site of a colliery"(1986).  3. The technique of an estimation of a fire safety of mine cable networks, electric equipment and electrified developments on a design stage, renovation and maintenance (1989).  4. The technique of an estimation and increase of flammability control of electrical power systems of gas fields of northern regions of the Tyumen area (1990).  5. The technique of detection, registration and estimation of probable perils in electrical power systems of gas fields of northern regions of the Tyumen area (1990).  6. The technique of an estimation and increase of electrosafety at maintenance of electric equipment пожаро and explosion-dangerous shops of gas fields of northern regions of the Tyumen area (1993).  7. Technique of an estimation of probability of origin взрывопожарных of situations in electrical power systems of gas fields, on the technological installations and premises, in which one they are exploited (1995).  8. Technique of an estimation of explosion safety of blind drifts of collieries at maintenance in them of electric Equipment (1999).  9. The technique of an estimation of a level of safety of electrical power systems of gas fields, technological installations, electric equipment and means of protection at their maintenance (2002).  10. Technique of an estimation of electrosafety of electric equipment on sites of collieries (2002). |