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Tkachenko Serg

Tkachenko Serg
Electric power plant department
Group ES-98
E-mail: tsnars@skif.net
Topic of master's thesis- "The mathematical
simulation of transient processes in the
main electic circuits of the
power plants"

Scientific adviser: V.F. Sivokobylenko , DSc.(tech), prof.


      I was born the 9th November in 1981 in Donetsk – city. Parents: Father - Tkachenko N. G., works as the chief of a complex designing department of institute "Dongeldorproject". Mother - Tkachenko T. N., works as the leading electric engineer of institute "Yugniigiprogas". From 1985 to 1988 year I attended a kindergarten.
     From 1988 to 1998 years studied at the Donetsk school #17 distinguishing in profound study of physics and mathematics. After leaving the school I received the school – leaving certificate. The high – level teaching the main disciplines allowed me to get the thorough knowledge of the school study program. I would like to mention the best school masters which helped me in studying a mathematics and physics, namely, mathematics teacher V.I. Lysov (the winner of the Soros premium) and physics teacher A.V. Braga. At my school years I took part in various competitions and “olympiads”.
     In 1998 I entered to the Donetsk state technical university. The high school choice was motivated by aspiration to study a technical sciences. The electric power plant speciality was chosen by me non accidentally because, that this direction takes first place among others electrotechnical faculty specializations. During my training in DonNTU, I took an active participation in creation of the methodic instructions for the special technical disciplines, being delivered by the Electric power plant department lectures, such as “Computer – aided Design of Electrical Equipment of Power Stations and Substations. Course project”, “Electrical Equipment of Power Stations and Substations. Laboratory works”, “Microprocessor engineering”, “Special Problems of Relay Protection and Automatics. Laboratory works”. I won the second prize at the competition on the “Electrical machines”. In addition, I attended the lecture on the technical english and helped rendered the useful assistance to DSc. (tech.) Prof. G.G. Rogozin (Department of electrical systems) when creating the educational supplies «Lectures on electromagnetic transient processes in power systems» and «Lectures on electromechanical transient processes in power systems». I promoted of CAD system (AutoCAD) into the discipline “Computer – aided Design of Electrical Equipment of Power Stations and Substations. Course project”, created a part of the electronic graphic library 330 kV switchgear electric elements for the 330 kV voltage class.
     My chosen scientific problem is the «Mathematical simulation of transient processes in the main electric circuits of the power plants». This problem is every actual, at present time, because it is can to provide the more refined transients analysis in power supply system. Mathematical simulation of all the electric power system elements (generators, transformers, synchronous and induction motors, power transmission lines, etc) will be realized in the format of program product called PowerNet™, which will allow to choose the correct relay protection and automatic settings, analyse a motors conditions, choose a power equipment and etc. Project PowerNet ™ is developing together with Paul Harchenko.
     Scientific adviser is V.F. Sivokobylenko, DSc. (tech) Prof. having a great experience in field of the multi machine system electromagnetic and electromechanical transients.
In future, I would like to be the skilled specialist in the field of electrical engineering and to continue my scientific efforts in the way of the mentioned above direction.

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