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Yarym-Agayev Nikolay Lukyanovich was born on July, 19, 1923 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Here he spent his childhood and school-years.
On leaving school in 1941 N.L.Yarym-Agayev entered Rostov state university. Unfortunately, his student's years were darkened by the Great Patriotic War events. Yet despite all this he was persistent in investigating the mysterious world of chemistry.
In 1946 after successful graduation from the university he was left for taking a post-graduate course at his alma-mater.In 1950 N.L.Yarym-Agayev defended his PhD theses in chemistry "Physico-chemical analysis of double liquid systems on the basis of integrated heats of evaporation". The same year he was assigned to work at Donetsk Industrial Institute (at the present time Donetsk National Technical University).
N.L.Yarym-Agayev started his teaching career as a senior teacher at the Physical Chemistry Chair. In a year he rose to the position of a senior lecturer, in 1964 being promoted to the post of the head of the chair.
In DonNTU N.L.Yarym-Agayev continued his investigations in the field of chemical thermodynamics. In 1967 he defended his PhD, Habil. theses named "Thermodynamics of double system saturated vapours with chemically interacting components". Now N.L.Yarym-Agayev is an honoured professor of DonNTU (#1).
N.L.Yarym-Agayev is a well-known scientist and lecturer in the field of physical chemistry. He has developed the technique of delivering lectures on physical chemistry now used by all the teaching staff of the chair. He was the first to launch many new aspects of the physical chemistry academic course into the teaching process, including "Statistical Thermodynamics", where he managed to bring a lot of difficult items home to the students in a simple and witty way.
He has made use of an essentially new approach in the subcourse "State diagrams of condensed double systems". Professor N.L.Yarym-Agayev has developed an original self-test questionnaire, made a collection of non-standard physico-chemical problems, edited a series of methodical instructions for laboratory practical work and so on. His classes were marked with deep interest and invention for he meant not only to share his really encyclopaedic knowledge with the students, but to develop a taste for independent creative activity, scientific thinking. It is especially worth mentioning N.L.Yarym-Agayev's brilliant lecturing skill, his mastery of analyzing complex physico-chemical phenomena and making them simple.
PhD Habil. (Chemistry), N.L.Yarym-Agayev has won authority in the field of chemical thermodynamics. He is known both in this country and abroad. He has issued a great number of scientific papers on chemical thermodynamics of liquid-vapour phase equilibria (over 250 publications).
The basic results of research activity:
- the general principles of the metrics of diagrams (1953 - 1959);
- method development and research of integrated heats of evaporation, calculation of orthobaric heats (methodical results) (1949 - 1963);
- parameters of vapour - liquid phase equilibria (experimental results, new calculation procedures) (1956 - 1997);
- the basic relationships of saturated vapour thermodynamics with components chemically reacting in vapour phase (the theory and practice of calculations) (1956 - 1971);
- new approaches to usage of molecular-ionic models for the description of equilibrium vapour (1964 - 1972);
- theoretical forecast of ionic molecules isomerization (1965);
- discovery (theoretical forecast and experimental confirmation) of dissociation electric conductance of saturated vapour over ionic melts (1972), etc.
N.L.Yarym-Agayev paid great attention to scientific staff training. At the chair there is a 50 years old scientific school founded by Professor N.L.Yarym-Agayev. He supervised 10 PhD theses in physical chemistry. All the teachers of physical chemistry at the chair are his pupils. N.L.Yarym-Agayev carries out scientific research with the students (12 articles have been published in co-authorship).
Professor N.L.Yarym-Agayev is a permanent member of two specialized councils where PhD and PhD Habil. theses are defended. He has been a member of UkrSSR Ministry of Education scientific council on salt melts and solid electrolytes, a member of two councils of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences: one specializing on inorganic chemistry, the other - on chemical thermodynamics. He takes an active part in social life of the faculty and university: for many years he has been the chairman of the inter-cathedral seminar, the chairman of the university library council. He is respected by both colleagues and students.
Professor N.L.Yarym-Agayev is notable for spiritual refinement, erudition, deep mind, scientific approach to the decision of all problems and genuine probity.