Українська Русский





Assistant of department "Applied ecology and protection of an environment".

  I am, Ermakova Helen Valeryevna, assistant of department "Applied ecology and bodyguard of encirclable surroundings", DonNTU.

I Was born on February 17, 1980 in Dokuchaevsk. Here has ended in 1997 a comprehensive school and a music school.

Since 1997 till 2002 I studied on department "Applied ecology and protection of an environment" on faculty "Ecology and chemical technology".

During study in university I took part in conferences and Olympiads on protection of an environment, on the French language, on which I occupied the first place, in All-Ukrainian Olympiad on "Economy of natureusing", where I occupied the third place.

Now I am by the competitor and I prepare to pass of candidate examinations on philosophy and foreign language.

I keep practical occupation on:

  1. Biology;
  2. Landscape ecology;
  3. Ecologies of urban systems.

Brightly expressed hobby have not got. I love lookng art films of different years very much . The favourite director is Mark Anatolyevich Zaharov, and favourite films - films which have been removed(taken off) to him on the scripts Grigory Gorina "an Ordinary miracle", "That baron Munhauzen", "the Formula of love".