CHAIKA LYUDMILA VICTOROVNA The senior lecturer of faculty of applied ecology and protection of the environment in Donetsk National Technological University. The candidate of chemical sciences. |
Chaika Lyudmila Victorovna was born on November 11, 1948 in city of Almaznaya of Lugansk Region. Since childhood was impressed by self-made toys and skates on the strings. Her child's dream to become a teacher was embodied in reality.
After finishing incomplete secondary school studied at chemical- technological technical school in Kharkov and at Chemical-Technological Institute by Dzerginsky in Dnepropetrovsk at a faculty of technology of high-molecular connections. Her speciality was: " Chemical technology of materials for cinema and photography".(1967-1972).
Her basic achievement during study is:
Graduating from the Institute became a post-graduate student at a faculty of physical chemistry. In 1978 defended a thesis and was awarded with scientific degree of the candidate of chemical sciences.
Here is the list of labour activity:
During the teaching years read lectures, carried out laboratory and practical activity on the disciplines: general and physical chemistry, sociology, psychology, pedagogics, social ecology.
Elaborated 14 methodical instructions for the students of different specialities. The individual work with the students helped to prepare two winners and eight prizewinners of regional Olympiads on chemistry, two winners and two prizewinners of republican Olympiads. Now is the chief of student's research and degree works.
The scientific interests are concentrated on research of polymer-composed materials, social and economical problems, and psychological and pedagogical aspects of education.
Likes to spend her free time communicating with friends, reading various books and listening to music.