PHURMAN HELENA VICTOROVNA The post-graduate student of faculty of applied ecology and protection of an environment |
Phurman Helena Victorovna was born on July 23, 1978 in the city of Avdiivka of Donetsk Region.
In 2000 finished Donetsk State Technical University on a speciality: " Protection of environment" (the theme is "Ecology of chemical manufactures". The holder of the master's degree on ecology.During the period of study at the University has the following achievements:
From the third year of study is engaged in scientific research "The Chemistry of complex connections of cobalt"(the chief of the research is Professor Palade D.M., the member of the Council of National Academy of Science). The post-graduate speciality is "Inorganic chemistry".
In her free time is engaged in housework, her hobby is to contrive the recipes of new delicious dishes.