Regina Vikentyevna Vizgert is a famous scientist in the field of organic and physical organic chemistry, professor of the faculty of general chemistry of Donetsk National Technical University, doctor of chemical sciences, professor of Soros' Fund (Soros' professor).
The main direction of her works is the study of substances containing carbonyl and sulfonyl groups in reactions with nucleophilic reagents.
Regina Vikentyevna was born on April, 14, 1919 in the town of Pavlovsk of Leningrad region. In 1926 Regina Vikentyevna entered the first form of Pavlovsk school and in 1936 she graduated one of Leningrad schools with distinction.
The same year Regina Vikentyevna entered the chemical faculty of Leningrad University where the traditions of D.I.Mendeleyev, N.A.Menshutkin, A.E.Favorsky and other chemists leaving a trase in science were still strong.
In 1937 the father of Regina Vikentyevna was shot and her mother has remained one with three children from which Regina Vikentyevna was the eldest. But her enthusiasm for study and youth have helped her to overcome all the difficulties.
During the war Regina Vikentyevna was working a senior laboratory assistant in the military medical academy by S.M.Kirov. After the war Regina Vikentyevna with academy has returned to Leningrad and entered the post graduate course to the professor B.I.Dolgov. In 1947 R.V.Vizgert has moved to L'vov. At first she worked in the L'vov Polygraphic Institute, then in the L'vov Polytechnical Institute.
In 1951 she has protected candidate and in 1968 the doctor's dissertation. Her works in the Institute have made a contribution not only to the theoretical organic chemistry but also opened new opportunities of application of sulfur organic compounds for synthesis of polymers, medicinal substances etc.
In 1988 for a complex of works in this direction R.V.Vizgert was awarwed the Pisarghevsky premium and an honourable title of the laureat. She repeatedly made the scientific reports at the international conferences in Italy, Sweden, Poland etc., her reseaches have received a recognication abroad.
Since 1973 Regina Vikentyevna worked in a post of the director of the faculty of of general chemistry of Donetsk Polytechnical Institute. The Institute has put forward her works to the premium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic which was received in 1988 and it was handed together with a nominal medal by the President of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the academician B.Paton. Since 1989 Regina Vikentyevna occupied a post of the professor of the faculty of general chemistry of Donetsk Polytechnical Institute. In 1992 her monography "Synthesis and reactionary ability of deriviative sulfonyl assids" was published. In 1995 Regina Vikentyevna was awarwed an honourable title of "Soros'" professor.
R.V.Vizgert died on November, 23, 2002.
For her labour activity R.V.Vizgert was awarved several governmental awards, she is the author of 300 printed works and 42 copyright certificates. Regina Vikentyevna Vizgert has prepared 22 candidates of sciences.