"Українська" "Ссылки" "Библиотека" "Диссертация" "Русский"
I was born in the town of Dzerzhinsk located near to the centre of Donetsk area. " Dzerzhinsk - town of miners " - these words meet everyone at entrance to our town. Perhaps, it also has predetermined that the most part of the man's population of our town works in the coal industry. As well my daddy worked as the electromechanic on mine " New - Dzerzhinskay ". Mum worked medicine sister in infectious hospitals. From the childhood they accustomed me to love the literature, therefore up to school I am skilful to read.
With 1988 I went to school N 9 which has finished in 1998 with excellent. For these years I took part in various school and city Olympiads in such subjects, as: mathematics, English, chemistry, a history. If to speak about the brightest school impressions it, most likely our teachers who have imparted to us love to knowledge, among them especially it would be desirable to allocate: Bibko Anastasiya Mefodievna, my the first supervisior, Daniliny Mila Ivanovna, the class teacher and the teacher of Russian and the literature, and our mathematics teachers. Each of them has learned to love the subject and consequently learned them not only under the school program.
The free time from school occupations I liked to carry spend in stadium " avant guarde " where attended pool and section of rhythmic gymnastics "Grace".
In due time hobby for mathematics, and also the senior cousin (which worked in tax administration of Kiev) the Account and audit " have defined the further speciality ". In our city preparatory courses for acting which were conducted from DPI (then still) were carried out. In part it, and also that this HIGH SCHOOL one of the most oldest in Donbass have affected my decision at a choice of institute.
During study took part in student's conferences: on the second rate on discipline " Economy of work " (article, on the fourth rate - on "Book keeping", where my article " the Basic lacks of practice of the account of capital investments (was submitted according to Nathional Standart of the Account) ". Last article was written on the basis of the data which were collected in course the Scince Research Students Work's (SRSW). On the fifth rate the theme of mine SRSW has changed and there was " an Account, the analysis of the capital of the enterprise ". Now it is a theme of my future master's work. This theme is interesting to me, first of all, to that this element of book keeping is present at each enterprise, its activity begins with it, how it will be used, what structure will have, results of economic activities of the enterprise of any pattern of ownership depend. Interest to the given theme has arisen also because it is poorly investigated. Scientific articles on this theme concern basically joint-stock companies on questions of dividends, division, associations of the enterprise. Therefore I hope, that further more time will be given to this theme. Concerning the future of my speciality I, not reflecting, can answer, that it still will be long enough claimed, is especial in conditions of development of economy and the industry. Because people which well and correctly can keep account at the enterprise besides know the tax account are always necessary and can put into practice the theoretical knowledge.
Concerning the future I hope to find work on the speciality at the enterprise where not bad it would be possible to earn and have an opportunity of promotion on a professional ladder.