Vasilishina Lyubov
The masters of Faculty of economy and management. Donetsk National Technical Univercity
Chair of Management and the economic right
Theme of master's work: Improvement of management system by productive potential of Ukraine's coal-mining enterpises
The supervisor of studies: corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor, the doctor of economic sciences Amosha A.I.
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"Every person has three characters: that, which is incorporated to him; that, is he incorporates himself; and, at least, that exists in reality."
(V. Gyugo)
Was born on April, 10, 1981 in Donetsk region, Krasnoarmeysk area, village Kalinovo.Father, Vasilishin Nikolay, the engineer, self-assured, purposeful, the optimist. In my life plays the most important role. In what I have reached for today and to objects in view on the future, it is obliged, first of all, to him.Mother, Vasilishina Anna, the medical assistant, possesses peculiar not to each woman boldness and very strong-willed character.
These features to some extent are present and at me.Before receipt in school of me the grandmother brought up. During this period I have completely acquired the program of the first class: in 6 years the technical equipment of reading at me was up to standard of a learning third class, possessed good memory, has acquired an accounting material.In the childhood actively accepted took part in amateur performances. For execution songs on a holiday "Russian winter" in Krasnoarmeysk has received the main prize. Probably, as well as anyone other child was fond of gathering of cards and calendar cards.I went to Mihaylovskaya's school in 1988. During school period everyone begins search of the place in a life. Still in initial classes at me the purpose has appeared - to receive the certificate with distinction. Many, even native, considered it's fanatical, never achievable. In turn, I very much trusted, tried and knew that it is real.In 1998 my hopes and amplified work were justified - I have left school with "a gold medal". On mine sight, it there was a first difficult step for which passage I have used the best efforts. With it I was helped by teachers. Now I cannot especially allocate somebody from them. Because I respect all of them and is grateful to them equally.In a life of school accepted active participation. Was the form commander and as it was expressed form leader, "his right hand", has consisted in student's committee, and also in staff of a civil defense of school. Any competition or a holiday, which I remember did not pass without my participation. I had to play different images: Snow Maidens, women - Yagi and other roles. Very much frequently it was necessary to act and outside school - at the enterprises which have looked after school.Also participated in school Olympiads practically in all subjects. Has borrowed prize-winning in regional Olympiads on geography, biology, to the Ukrainian language.School has put in pawn the strong base to the further training in a higher educational institution.
If to speak about a choice of University, that, leaving school, I not up to the end understood, where I want to act. In the senior classes I stopped on a choice medical University. But prior to the beginning of final examinations my plans have sharply changed.It has been connected to that I have seen the Mariupol metal works "Azovstal". It has simply fascinated me in the huge sizes. I have interested activity of people which operate industrial processes of this enterprise. The problem of a choice of a speciality has been solved, but for it another has followed - what higher educational institution to choose?It was hardly to make, as in Donetsk area set of the high schools preparing experts the given structure. But also this problem appeared decided. I have understood, that to experts it is necessary for trade chosen me to have a profound knowledge of technology manufactures as without it is impossible to accept correct administrative decisions. And I could receive such knowledge only at technical university. So, in 1998 I have acted on faculty of economy and management Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).Certainly important role the authority of high school on region and behind his limits has played.During time training at university all potential has directed on studying as base disciplines, and disciplines on a specialty. Each of them to a measure was for me interesting. Study has borrowed a leaguing role in my life. In 2002 has received the bachelor's degree with distinction, has acted in magistracy. Have appeared new the purposes, new interests.It is necessary to note importance of an industrial practice, which, since the second rate, we passed at the various enterprises. In my case this enterprise appeared mine "Russia" SHC "Selidovugol". Carrying out the analysis of mine, it was possible to draw for itself any conclusions on its development. It has served as motive of a choice of a theme my works. As in ours the state many the coal-mining enterprises which possess high in industrial potential, but because of mistake in management many become unprofitable and in a result are closed. The sanction of this problem very actually, so as the coal branch is one of leaders. And from its effective development the level of economic development of our country depends.On faculty "Management and the economic right" one of directions of scientific researches is "Economy, the organization and planning in a mining industry and others branches". The special attention thus is given management industrial capacities of the coal enterprises. Dealt with this problem managing faculty A.I. Amosha, V.V. Shevchenko, Professor I.F. Ponomarev. Also other faculties are engaged in studying of this theme also.In my opinion, the theme is very actual and will be to be investigated further. It is connected by that it is necessary for enterprises of coal branch to improve structure of management. As only in this case we can meet crisis which already long time is observed in mountain the industries of Ukraine.Our letting out faculty needs to give the big attention to preparation of experts in the certain field of activity. As "Management the organizations" is rather wide speciality. Therefore follows, on opportunities to divide it into managements of key economic branches of Ukraine.Technical University as the most authoritative high school of Donetsk in the future should learn not only, in Ukraine, but also it is far behind its limits. Therefore not only the rector, teachers, but also students should promote achievement of this actively the purposes.As to my future after the termination of magistracy I plan to act in postgraduate study, to be engaged in scientific activity, to protect the master's thesis on the elected theme.
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