Eliashevich M.   



   Was born in 1908. Has stopped in 1930. A Donetsk college of mines on a speciality " Enrichment of minerals ". With 1930 on 1934 (Gorlovka), the chief of research sector of branch of trust "Ñoal preparation " (ã.ã borrowed posts of the replaceable engineer on coal preparation to factory. Donetsk, Novosibirsk). Since 1934 on 1941 - the assistant, the post-graduate student, the senior lecturer of faculty " Enrichment of minerals " Donetsk industrial institute. During 1941-1942 Worked as the chief of chemical laboratory of trust " Ñóëþêòàóãîëü " (. Ñóëþêòà). Since 1942 - managing faculty " Enrichment of minerals " Donetsk industrial institute, nowadays DonNTU. In 1946 the scientific degree of Cand.Tech.Sci., in 1967 - Dr.Sci.Tech. is awarded. The basic scientific direction - the theory and practice pfloatation process of enrichment of coal. Is the founder of scientific school - flotation of coals and anthracites of Donbass. Under Eljashevich M.G.'s scientific management in Donbass the first took root floatation branches on coal preparation factories. " The Miner's glory of 1 degree " is awarded for valorous work during Great Domestic war and the next peace years, " The Honours pupil of formation of the USSR " with numerous medals, signs " the Honours pupil of the Ministry of the coal industry ". Professor Eljashevich M.G. publishes 2 monographies, more than 200 scientific works. Under a management ïðîô. Elishevich M.G. prepares 15 Cand.Tech.Sci. Has died in 1986.

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