Faculty of Geotechnologies and Production management
Voznesenskaya Katerina
The theme of master's thesis:
"Choice and basis ecosafe resources saving technology
complex clearance the waste water of mining enterprises for necessity need
industrial undertaking and agriculture ".
I was born on January 13, 1979 in town Krasnoarmeisk of Donetsk area, in family of the teachers. The father, Voznesenskiy Vladimir Vladimirovich, senior lecturer of faculty "Mining electromechanics" Krasnoarmeisk branch of Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU). The mother, Voznesenskaya Natalia Kuzminichyna, - manager by city methodical study.
Since 1986 to 1994 years I studies in comprehensive school #3 in town Krasnoarmeisk. The favourite subjects - chemistry, biology, geography - have predetermined choice of profession in future.
My hobbies in school years were music and painting.
In 1994 I entered the pedagogical school in town Krasnoarmeisk, which has finished in 1998 on a speciality "Labour training", and has received qualification of teacher of labour training, head of a circle of decorative-applied art. This year I have passed examinations for a secondary school, because have decided to continue education in Donetsk state technical university (DonSTU).
The choice of high school and speciality was made consciously: the problems of protection of an environment were actual for our region, and as a whole for Ukraine; the ecological specialities are the most perspective in the world; the authority of DonSTU guaranteed getting of qualitative education.
In 1998 I became student of mine faculty DonSTU on a speciality "Ecology of mining technologies". I would like not only to receive necessary volume of knowledge, but also to use them practically with benefit for a society. Therefore I took part in student's scientific conferences, has prepared two publications. First of them - "Power technologies with use of fuel elements" - scrutinize expediency of development of new technologies based on direct transformation of chemical energy of fuel to electrical in fuel elements. The second - "Steady development of town Krasnoarmeisk" - is devoted to interrelation of economic, ecological and social aspects in development of miner's city.
As the chief of master's works I have chosen the professor Å.S.Ìatlak, as a famous expert in the field of protection of water resources. Together with him the subject of master's work was determined. Its choice is caused by the following motives.
The waste water of the mining enterprises is a large-scale source of pollution of water objects. The weighed substances, contained in their structure, mineral salts and salts of heavy metals, insoluble particles of an organic origin, petroleum and other harmful components are capable to collect in water objects and to be accumulated water îrganisms, causing irreversible processes in an environment. In conditions of Donbass the problem of a quantitative exhaustion determined by continuous growth water-consumption in industry, agriculture, life, in a combination with qualitative exhaustion of water resources caused by pollution of waters, becomes more and more actual. Therefore reuse of the cleared mine water as technical, and also components, taken from it, I consider as a perspective direction.
In future I plan to devote my life to scientific activity. A fast growth of big cities means that we'll have many ecological problems (one of them is protection of water resourses). The way out I'll find after graduation of the University. The main scientific theme of my future dissertation is working with such questions as methods and means of clearance and demineralization water of mine and other sevages, their preparation for using in circulating of water-supply and other systems.