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RUS         UKR

Useful the references   - site dedicated to metallurgy, on a nem the broad spectrum of the publications is represented, relating the most different areas, this industry. hnology/wheeis   - site dedicated examination such problems, as heat of bars in circular furnaces, hydraulic shake down of scale open is ductile on press 20 ÌÍ, closed the extrusion on press 100 ÌÍ, rolling of sprockets on mill of rolled wheels, calibration of a sprocket on press 35/8 ÌÍ is ductile on press 50 ÌÍ. - site inform about news of the world(global) metallurgical markets. Here ïðåäñòàâëåííà the information on updating mill of rolled wheels. - site of institute NIIAchermet. The section is dedicated to automatic control systems by an expansion sproñkets on mill of rolled wheels, systems of the account(record-keeping) of a course of production on a press-rolling line etc. -   site Nignedneprovskogo pipe-rolling of factory. The factory informs on construction new modern press-rolling of branch, establishment of aggregates for heat treatment and furnish of sprockets. The shop has run in and issue 35 type sizes weldlessrolled of sprockets for a carriage rolling stock: coaches of passenger and cargo trains - sprocket a dia of 950 mms etc.  

  The report about Outcomes of search

on a theme Theses :
"Development of a method of modelling for research of process of deformation of continuously cast preparation in blooming roughing hot rolling mill"

Myagkov V.M.

Search of the data in the Internet ASearch the catalogue - ua yahoo
metallurgy seits-12812
seits-561 seits-15 seits-1202
seits-150000 docum-404000
rolling seits-676
seits-84 seits-1 seits-54
seits-233 docum-296000
continuously cast preparation seits-240
seits-976 seits-19 seits-17
seits-104 docum-94

Tables 1 - Statistics of search .

 The analysis of outcomes Search

Outcomes search have shown , that on a theme of a thesis in Internet is present enough plenty the information , however considerable proportion the useful information is represented in English . of russian the information on a theme of a thesis has not enough .

For search the information on a theme of a thesis the different methods, of extended, were used search . Gang of keywords was picked up by such by image , to exclude a random search useless in Frameworks of the given subjects of the documents .

Among English retrieval systems now most widespread(distributed) are the retrieval systems Google , Yahoo and AltaVista .   Most the widespread russian retrieval systems are Rambler, Yandex and Aport . of most popular Ukrainian the retrieval system is Meta-Ukraine . Greatest the information quantity is represented in a English part Internet.

    Information Retrieval was carried out by following retrieval systems :

        1 English retrieval systems :

2 . Russian retrieval systems :

3 . the Ukrainian retrieval systems :

    Outcomes of search are indicated in table 1 .

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