Master's work
The given work is devoted to study of influence of the combined deformation on structure and properties of materials. Last years is to urgent creation of materials with submicrocrystal structure, so-called, Nan structure of materials. These materials have unique structure and properties, in them change fundamental, including structurally tolerant and structurally sensitive characteristics. This fact opens prospects of improvement existing and creation of essentially new materials, many of which have direct practical interest. To the present time some methods of reception of such materials are developed. One of conducting is the method of intensive plastic deformations (IPD), which task is the formation Nan structure in massive metal samples and preparations by crushing their microstructure up to Nan dimension. Feature of such materials is the presence ultrasmallgrainy of structure grainy of a type containing mainly big corner borders of grains. To reach the very large deformations at rather low temperatures it is possible in conditions of the high enclosed pressure. One of the circuits deformation, which realizes the specified principles, is intensive turned under high pressure screw waterecstruzia (PWE), developed in Donetsk Physical-technical institute by Galkin NAS of Ukraine. In result deformation in a material arises complicated strain a status, which allows to crush structure up to Nan dimension of grains without destruction of a sample. It is possible to realize the intense status received in a material with the help PWE , by the combined deformation by a stretching with кручением. In this case in a material the circuit complex loading, including principles of formation of structure in a screw matrix is kept. The evolution of structure and properties of a material at different stages deformation, allowing is of interest to judge laws of behavior of a material at PWE. Especially effective the combination of classical technologies and application PWE is. Therefore for display of features of the generated structure received at PWE, is executed combined multitransitive deformation, including PWE and rolled. The researches were carried out on copper samples; copper is plastically and most investigated material, that does by attractive as a modeling material at approbation of new methods. With the help of a number of the put experiences is established, that the combination " PWE + rolled " is more productive, than the combination " rolled + PWE " (in the first case is stronger cut very small structure, are increased stable of the characteristic). The special defective structure of borders and into grain of volumes providing reception of unique substructure, is formed at realization PWE on a material, free from pressure(voltage). In this case intensity deformation
of hardening greatest. Previously rolled samples after PWE had smaller effect of hardening and crushing of structure. The control was carried out by methods of measurement of hardness, density, durometriation; the microstructure was investigated on photos and with the help radioscopy electronic microscopy on foils and carbon plants; quantitative metal Graf was carried out in the program " Statistic 5.5". The in more detail given researches are described in clause " Evolution of microstructure and properties copper at multitransitive deformation by screw pressing and rolled". The further researches will be devoted to study of influence of the combined plastic deformation on structure and properties of alloys of color metals with the purpose of development of rational modes deformation.
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