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I was born on July 26,1980 in a small miner`s city Krasnoarmeisk, Donetsk region.
My parents are: my mother is a mining engineer-mechanik, my father is a legal adviser.
In 1984 our family moved in Noyabrsk, Tyumen region. In 1987 I went to the first form of a secondary school N8 with the profound study of mathematics and physics. It was a perfekt school equipped by modern equipment.
Our first teacher actively developed our abilities and inculcated in us a liking for study
Exept study at school I attended different circles, went in for swimming. I took the second place in town competitions.
In winter I like skiing, making shashlik in taiga; in summer and autumm I like to gather berries and mushrooms. For the first time I saw nothern lights and white nights.
In December 1992 our family came back to Krasnoarmeisk. Here I carried on my study at a secondary school 9. In 1993 I became a pupil of the class with the profound study of mathematics.
My knowledge game me an opportunity to pass entrance examinations successfully and to become a student of a mining-technic lyceum "Nadeghda" at the branch of Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU). It were two years of the intensev study.
We studied not only school subjects, there we also included philosophy, logic, rhetoric, bibliography and many optional lessons. We had many scientufic confereces. My work on theme "Human`s rights to children" took the first place in section of the humanities. My work on theme "General declaration of hunans rights: what rights as a child I really have?" took part in the Third Ukrainian competition of students work about human`s rights.
During the years of studing at lyceum I took past in town reviews in geography and mathematics.
My friends and I found time for going in sports: cycle-race, track-and-field competitions, going to the lake. We had different holidays, thematic parties.
I graduated from the lyceum with exelent.
In 1997 I became the student of Don STU. I chose geodesy as my future speciality. It`s an interesting speciality, which has a wide practical application in modern conditions.
Thanks to my knowledge I took prize-winning places on competitions of student`s rewier on business Ukrainian language.
In 2002 I successfully passed bachelor`s examinations .
I hope that the received knowledge will help me to get good professional success in future.