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masters faculty of Mining-Geolodgical
Donetsk National Technical University
83000 Ukraine, Donetsk, street. Artema, 58
Faculty: Ñonstruction of Mines and Underground Structures
Theme of my masters work: "Improvement to technologies of the fastening the bore holes of the big section with provision for geomechanical of the particularities and use concrete crepe" Scientific supervisor: assistant professor S.V.Borschevskiy | MAGISTER'S WORK || PERSONAL CLAUSES || RESULTS OF SEARCH || ELECTRONIC LIBRARY |
I was born October 11 1981 in city Izobilinyy Stavropoliskogo edges.
In 1984 my family has moved in small borough Donetsk area - Selidovo.
This is a miner's city very calm and calm, encircled rate and garden. The father settled down to work at one of the local mines, where worked my grandfather so about heavy miner's labour I heard often. One of my loved occupations was - fishing. With pa I often went in village to relative, where there is excellent places for fishing.
In 1988 I will go in the first class of the general school ¹2 with physic-mathematical gradient. During education took part in public and cultural life of the school. The loved subjects were a mathematics, history, chemistry and literature. Took part and occupied the prize places in Olympiad on this subject.
Since 1996 was trained on course of driving car, organized in our school. Upon their completion has got the right to categories "B".
At period of the education in school concerned with in miscellaneous section town Palace of the sport (the football, athletics, sail).
In 1997 enrolled on courses on preparation to arrival in DonNTU. Ended which, having delivered conversation on "fine", was enrolled on profession "Mine and underground construction". The school has finished in 1998 with good result. The choice of the high school and professions, for me, was not problematic. DonNTU - is one of the most known high schools of the Ukraine, but "Mine and underground construction" - interesting and important profession. Education in University began quite well, seas only finishing semesters on fine. In the same way took active participation in scientific life of the University:
- Since 2000 take part in scientific conference on professions;
- Has written several scientific articles, which were published in periodic publishing DonNTU;
- Took part in Olympiad, where occupied the prize places (the hydraulics, chemistry, applied mechanics).
In 2002 has got the diploma of the bachelor with difference that has allowed me to continue the education in magistracy. My scientific supervisor is an assistant professor S.V.Borschevskiy, but subject of the work - "Improvement to technologies of the fastening the bore holes of the big section with provision for geomechanical of the particularities and use concrete crepe".
Free time from training love to conduct in companies friends, many from which are trained on master and not only our high school. Together with they note the different holidays, go in clubs and leave on nature. | MAGISTER'S WORK || PERSONAL CLAUSES || RESULTS OF SEARCH || ELECTRONIC LIBRARY |