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Proskurenko Danil


proskurenko d.a.

Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)

master faculty of Mining-Geolodgical

"Construction of Mine and Underground Constructions"


Theme of my masters work:" Technology of the building vertical stem at division of the planes on mortars".
The Scientific supervisor: , prof. Shevcov N.R.


     I was born on the September 29 1981 in city Gorlovka Donetsk area. The Father, Proskurenko Aleksey , mother, Proskurenko Tatiyana . The Grandmother was a teacher so the first education has got in wall of its apartment. At three years will go in kindergarten. With pleasure read the fairy tales and taught by heart poetry. In kindergartens was 4 yars and in 1987 with family has moved in small miner's borough Selidovo Donetsk area.

     Education began in 1988 in secondary school # 4. At period of the education took part in public life of the school. The loved subject were a mathematics, chemistry and literature. Occupied the first places on olympiad on this subject. In 1996 ended courses of typing and paperwork. School has finished in 1996 and has having continued its education in school # 2 . Since 1996 was trained on course of driving car, organized in our school. Upon their completion has got the drive license. Continued to participate in olympiad and raged the sport. The Greater role in education have played the teache of the ukrainian language and literature. In 1997 has entered on courses on preparation to arrival in Donetsk National Technical University DonNTU, on completion which has delivered the conversation on "fine" and was an enrolled student DonNTU on profession "Construction of the mines and underground buildings" . The School # 2 has finished with not bad result.

     At school years by my fascination was fish fishing. Each year went to repose in wood on Severskiy Donec coast .

     The High school has chosen coming from that he is the most old in our region, and profession, since father works at mine and enter on she did not form the problems to me.

     Education in university began quite well, finishing semesters with good result. Since 2000 take part in scientific conference on professions. Has written several scientific articles, which are published not only in periodic publishing DonNTU(the Collection article pulpits CMaUS), but also in foreign collection. In 2002 has got the diploma of the bachelor with difference and has solved to continue the education, on qualifications master.

      Learning of discipline faced with that or other problem in mine branch, one of which was connected with stem. When have offered on pulpit is occupied problem at of the stem, agreed because it moor interested.

     The subject is dedicated to mine of the stem with division of the stem on ledges. The givened question earlier rose on pulpit at mine stem greater diameter, but at mine stem with diameter before 10 metres in Ukraine was not used. The givened question much interested and was solved to realize this project with theoretical sides, than and occupied at present.

     Plan to finish the magistracy and enter in post-graduate course.