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Andrey Scherbina

Department : Technology and Machinary in Geologic Prospecting

Theme of master's work :

"Engineering the complex of devices for liquidation stuck pipe in geologic drilling"

Scientifiñ supervisor : Karakozov A.A.

I was born in 12, December, 1979 in town Alexandrovka Donetsk region.
In 1987 I went to the school. When I went to the school I liked exact sciences, but I liked the humanities too. Over a period of study in school I taked part in many competitions and to occupy a prize place. Since first class I received diploma about perfect ending in every school year.
Out of schooltime I playied in soccerteam. Also I taked up photography, interested philately, electrotechnics, mechanics. Enthusiasm for technics predetermined further direction of my teaching.
The first acquaintance with computer facilities I has taken place at school. The computer class consist of ten computers ZX Spectrum. Lessons in computer class were once a week and it, certainly, not sufficed to be enjoyied electronic wonder. Therefore due to my effort parents bought the computer. It was the primitive machine with the TV instead of the monitor and the tape recorder instead of floppydisk, but with it I have learnt the first elements of programming.My first serious creation was the program for calculation of roots of the quadratic, written on language the BASIC.
After school, in 1997, I went into technical school N 67 in Donetsk and acquiried profession "Metal turner, operator on a machine with digital programe control". In 1998 I ended technical school on "excellent".
Than I decided to take higher education. I have chosen DonNTU. It is the most authoritative technical university in Ukraine. September, 1, 1998 I became student of the Faculty of Mining and Geology department Technology and Machinary in Geologic Prospecting.
I passed graduation examination on the bachelor's degree on direction "Mining" in 2002. During time of studying participated in various olympiads. I taken prize-winning places in olimpiad on discipline "Descriptive geometry", the third place in olimpiad at the discipline "Resistance of materials". A free time I devoted usually to sports and reading of books.
At present I am studying in a magistracy under the direction of the scientific supervisor Karakozov A.A. For master's works is chosen the following theme: "Engineering the complex of devices for liquidation stuck pipe in geologic drilling". Early on faculty for liquidation stuck pipe the following employees were engaged in a problem of research and creation of devices: Kolomoets A.V., Kalinichenko O.I., Pilipets V.I., Karakozov A.A., Filimonenko N.T. the richest base in this direction.
