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Automated Control System
Donetsk National Technical University

 Subject of my master's dissertation : "Development of computer system energy-saving managements of system of water supply of large city (On an example of Ammans, Jordan)"
The scientific chief : G.V Mokre


The curriculum vitae 

 I from Amman, Jordan I was born March, 24-th 1979ã. My family, to the Ukrainian measures, rather big, at me. Two brothers and two sisters. At present I the student of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), Donetsk, Ukraine.

 I have gone to the first class in 1986. Has finished school in 1997. In the school period it was especially interested in the exact sciences: mathematics, physics. Took a great interest in sports, in particular table tennis.

 Has arrived to Donetsk, Ukraine in 1997 and, within one year, passed a preparatory course Russian + preparation for receipt in Donetsk State Technical University (DonGTU). In 1998 began training from a speciality - the Automated control systems (ACS - 98), faculty - Computer both Information Technologies and Automatics (CIT&A), faculty - the Automated control systems (ACS). I have received qualification the bachelor of Computer engineering in July 2002ã.

 After I have received the bachelor's degree, have decided to go in a magistracy and now by means of my head 
G.V Mokre I write master's work on a theme  " Development of computer system energy-saving managements of system of water supply of large city (On an example of Ammans, Jordan) ". master's dissertations I have chosen a theme of mine owing to that,That in city a constant problem with water and me it would be desirable to adjust water supply in the city (

 I am pleased with time which has been carried out in Donetsk, at me new friends and even close people, both Russian, and foreigners have appeared many. Donetsk has very much changed for past 5 years, quality of life was improved. I always with pleasure shall recollect years of my study.

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