




The area - 17 820 sq. kms
The population - 1 433 000
Capital - Al-Kuwait (32 000)
Other large city - As-Salmiya (117 000)
Maximum point - 283 m
The state language - Arabian
The basic religion - Islam
Monetary unit - Kuwaiti dinar
Basic clause of export - petroleum
The form of government - constitutional monarchy (in the chief of state costs(stands) Amir)

Kuwait - small state in a northeast part of the Arabian peninsula. In the country there
are no lakes and rivers, therefore fresh(stale) water receive here by means of soures of 
sea water. In territory of Kuwait there are huge petroleum deposits, and due to this of 
Kuwait has turned to one of the richest countries of the world. Long time the territory 
of Kuwait remained practically not populated. Then on coast of the Kuwaiti gulf the arabs
have put up which have constructed here seaport subsequently received the name of Al-Kuwait
and becoming capital of the state. In 1899 the governor of Kuwait has addressed to Great 
Britain with the request to protect the country from Turkey, which dominated here with XVI
of century. Kuwait became British imperot. In 1961 he has found complete independence.
After 1946 of Kuwait began intensive export of petroleum, and the poor country is no time has
changed. Today kuwaitians use free-of-charge education and medicine, the incomes of the 
population are not assessed. The government puts the significant capitals in development
free of systems, therefore today agricultural cultures it is possible To increase even 
in areas of deserts. In 1990 of Kuwait has undergone to an attack of Iraq. In 1991 the
allied armies, including American and British, have expelled the Iraq army from the country.
The hardest damage was put to economy of Kuwait, however restoration of the facilities,
(economy,) destroyed by war, went by prompt rates.

Geographical rule(situation)
Kuwait - state in Southwest Asia located on a northwest coast of the Persian gulf. 
In north and northwest borders on Iraq, in the south - with Saudi Arabia.
The territory of Kuwait borrows(occupies) 17 818 sq. kms.
Capital of the country - Al Kuwait (1 090 thousand man).

The state
Kuwait - constitutional monarchy. The chief of state - amir, chapter of government -
prime minister. The legislative authority belongs amir and to National assembly.


Relief. The most part of territory - deserted lowland.
Geological structure and minerals. center of the country the stocks of petroleum and natural
gas contain.
Climate. A climate in the country dry and hot. annual temperature about +25°Ñ,
however in a dry season temperature exceeds +46°Ñ.
annual norm of deposits about 127 mm or less. The rains go since October till March.
Internal waters. In territory of Kuwait there are no rivers.
Ground and vegetation. In north mainly , in the south and at the centre of the country 
- sandy deserts with rare grassy and Bushes by vegetation on primitive Is 
grey of terrestrial ground.
Fauna.is rather poor: fox, there are a lot of snakes
and lizards.

The population makes 1,913 mln. The man, average density of the population about 107 men 
on 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: kuwaitians - 45 %, others Arabian nationals - 35 %, Iranian, 
Indians, Pakistanian . Languages: Arabian (state), English.

Islam (basically sunneses) - 85 %.

With VII century. Of  Kuwait entered in Arabian khalifa, with XVI century.
In Ottomane empire. In 1899 above Kuwait is established British imperia.
By June 19, 1961 is announced by the independent state. In August, 1990.
Kuwait has undergone to an attack by armies of Iraq; in February, 1991 is released(exempted)
by the multinational armed forces led by USA.

Basis of economy - petroleum industry. Oil processing. Chemical (manufacture of fertilizers),
Cement , metalcutting, car assembly enterprises. To process of sea water.
Crafts.cattle breeding and agriculture. Fishery, production of seafoods.
Export: petroleum and petroleum, chemical fertilizers liquefied gas.
Monetary unit - Kuwaiti dinar. 



This template created by Hussein Ashraf.